这本2020年出版的The Midnight Library《午夜图书馆》,通过对一个诺拉(Nora)的女孩的故事描写,揭示了生的伟大这一个重要的议题,也正是在全球疫情蔓延死亡恐怖笼罩的当下,成为欧美畅销书榜上久居的坐客。The Midnight Library讲述了34岁的诺拉生活失意——没有了工作、和未婚夫分了手、心爱的宠猫死在了街边、与亲...
好书的作用大概就是启迪灵魂,这五天断断续续地读完了Matt Haig的《The Midnight Library》,前8%的内容格外黑暗压抑描述了一系列压抑的环境因素导致一位抑郁症患者决定自杀,这也大概是不少人一开始被劝退的原因,中间也有些部分似乎格外偏离生活,但是如果读完整本书就会觉得作者的别有深意,主人公Nora在弥留之际回到了...
The Midnight Libraryis no facile journey to a happy ever after (though there is an ending that speaks, naturally enough, to the power of believing in life, with all its flaws and disappointments again even while acknowledging the joyous possibility of being alive), and it doesn’t face up ...
这本书是Goodreads2020年fiction类第一名,第二名"Anxious People”与之仅几票之差。平心而论,要讲文学性、语言、技巧,甚至幽默感,"Anxious People"可能均超过"the Midnight Library"。但我想,如果你感到疲倦不堪,生活孤独无聊(如同我们每个人对2020的感觉),那么可以读一读"the Midnight Library"。 当你以为自己...
“Amazing and utterly beautiful,The Midnight Libraryis everything you’d expect from the genius storyteller who is Matt Haig.”— Joanna Cannon, author ofThe Trouble with Goats and Sheep “Nora’s life is burdened by regrets. Then she stumbles on a library with books that enable her to test...
The Midnight Special (Book Review).Reviews the book 'The Midnight Special,' by Larry Karp.KlettRexLibrary Journal
The Midnight Charter . Roaring Brook, 2009 [336p]. ISBN 978-1-59643-381-6 $17.99 Reviewed from galleys Ad Gr. 6–9 The city-state of Agora runs entirely on trade: there is no monetary system, but every exchange of goods and services is accompanied by a contract, and failure to ...
The Midnight Feast– as a thriller, I’d describe this as more like a cheeky midnight snack, rather than a full-on feast. That said, the conclusion made me chuckle and I did enjoy the ride. Some twists were obvious; others were not. And this did keep me from going to bed before mi...
Path of the Midnight Sunis the debut title from indie developer Studio Daimon. One of the latest to combine RPG and visual novel, the game has its origins in aFire EmblemROM hack, eventually branching into the full-fledged game it is now. While some of that inspiration is clear, it stand...
Late in the evening — midnight or thereabouts — Richardson made an exit which Dean considered important. He stopped the performance and asked the stage manager to bring Mr. Richardson back on stage. A moment later, Richardson stood soberly before the footlights. Dean rose from his seat and ...