1).Footnote 20 That makes it one of the ten most-read articles under the umbrella of WikiProject Middle Ages—a group of Wikipedia writers with a shared interest who write entries on medieval topics—with a similar number of views as topics including Joan of Arc, the Byzantine Empire, and...
1.2 Early Middle Ages 1.2.1 Tang China 1.2.2 Carolingian Empire 1.2.3 Abbasid Caliphate Influencing the Caliph Operations in Baghdad Defeated by the Hidden Ones 1.2.4 Byzantine Empire 1.2.5 The Silk Road 1.2.6 Northern Europe Downfall of the Order 1.2...
The “i” has been changed to “l” because it is the closest consonant following “i”. They didn’t have “j” in the Middle Ages (what looks like “j” was usually an embellished “i”) and many languages did not have “k”, so “l” (ell) would be the closest consonant fol...
“the local environment as a lived space, and it should be the privileged object of a systematic and methodical first learning of the child since, at these ages, the thinking is directed towards concrete learning”[11]. It is also considered, based on the analysis made to this pedagogical-...
Therefore, the concept of childhood is not to be confused with affection for children. Traditionally, children played a functional role in contributing to the family income in the history. Under this circumstance, children were considered to be useful. Back in the Middle Ages, children of 5 or...
2.2 The Middle Ages and Islamic Biology During the Middle Ages in Europe, the study of biology was mainly centered around the works of Aristotle and other Greek philosophers, which were preserved and translated by Islamic scholars. Islamic biologists, such as Ibn al - Haytham (Alhazen) and Ibn...
The concept of deformation partitioning put forward at the end of twentieth century got rid of the bondage of continuum mechanics, and successfully explained the widespread phenomenon, strike-slip faults parallel to subduction zones or fold-and-thrust belts. The establishment of inhomogeneous and ...
Meaningful activity participation has shown good predictability for healthy ageing in older adults, and their participation can be assessed using the Meaningful Activity Participation Assessment (MAPA). However, the MAPA has never been validated in any T
geological map / tectonic framework / middle–upper Proterozoic / southern Shanxi / East Qinling Mountains / geological survey engineering 1. 引言 晋南–豫西地区大地构造位置处于华北陆块南缘和秦岭造山带。以栾川–维摩寺–明港断裂为界,北部属于华北陆块,南部属于秦岭造山带(图1)。在漫长的地质...
There are two alternative archeological views on the processes of culture devel- opment in the Middle Ages in the forest zones of West Siberia. One point of view concentrates on the evolutionary autochthonous development of indigenous populations, which is expressed in the concept of the Ob-Irtysh...