notpayingattentiontothecurrentworldaround us.Instead,we?rerecallingmemories,orcreating andprocessingimaginedfutures. Whenengagedin mindwandering,ourbrains processthesementalimagesusingthesamepathways usedtoreceiveinputsfromtherealworld.So,the imaginedpastorfuturecancreateemotionsandfeelingssimilartohowwereacttoeveryday...
And 17 years later I did go to college. But I naively chose a college that was almost as expensive as Stanford, and all of my working-class parents’ savings were being spent on my college tuition. After six months, I couldn’t see the value in it. I had no idea what I wanted t...
Main Theme Sub-Theme Open-Ended Questions 1. Living in Japan Motivation to live abroad: Economic need What made you come to Japan? (Motivation in detail, life plan for some years in Japan) Why do people go abroad from your country? Do you support your family, how? 2. Importance of pub...
“So the crucial meeting was with the former mayor, who agreed with the idea of the Faculty further developing here and even said that it would be a lifesaver for the monastery, because until then we were always looking for money and it always ended up that we got a couple of million,...
Entire cities were lost as the Skaven once more invaded in order to begin their Great Ascendancy and summon forth their foul deity, the Horned Rat, to usher in the downfall of the surface world.[1g] Upon the western shores of the Old World, the kingdom of Bretonnia was torn to ruin ...
1 2 Countries vary in history, culture, system and economic development level, but peoples of all countries uphold the shared human values of peace, development, equity, justice, democracy and freedom.1 Peace and development are our common cause, equity and justice our common aspiration, and ...
There, it converted Rhulk to worship of the Darkness by showing how, from the perspective of the Darkness, the lives that had been lost on Lubrae were never worth anything to begin with, and that he had proven his worth by destroying them and surviving the extinction of his species by ...
Do not look at your adult child as completing you, giving you a fulfilled life, or meeting your needs. When you set those aside, you begin to understand love. What to Do Now? If you are a hurting mama, laid low in the dust by the estrangement of an adult child, what should you ...
That quarter-final ended with the elimination of the other remaining female contestant, the Seashell, who turned out to be Tamera Mowry.The Black Swan and the five remaining fellows are all showcased on the special episode of “The Masked Singer” airing April 28: “The Sing-a-Long: The ...
Years ago when our middle granddaughter was a preschooler, we took her to an arcade. In the back corner stood a few free games and among them, two old Tetris side by side. Some of you will remember this game. Shapes drift down from the screen-top; the player must manipulate them, fit...