Victory over Mexico added vast western territories to America, but it also quickened the domestic slavery debate and crippled Mexico for decades, making the Mexican War one of our most ambiguous conflicts. Primary documents, biographical sketches and narrative chapters rounded out by twenty images and...
WarandViolence •DuringtheMexicanWar,conflictstartedaboutwhatwouldhappenwiththenewterritoriesthattheUSexpectedtogainuponvictory.•TherealissueoccurredinKansaswherepro-slaveryMissouriansbegantopourintothestatetohelpforceittobeslave.Theywerecalled"BorderRuffians."ProblemscametoaheadinviolenceatLawrence,Kansas.The...
warcivilamerican内战slaverystates TheAmericanCivil War • TheCivilWaristhecentraleventinAmerica's historicalconsciousness. • TheRevolutionof1776-1783createdtheUnited States. • TheCivilWarof1861-1865determinedwhatkind ofnationitwouldbe • WhiletheCivilWarwasdevastatingfortheUnited Statesintermsofhumanlo...
在这本书的前言中,浮士德提到:“1861年至1865年间死亡的士兵人数估计为62万,大约相当于美国在独立战争(the Revolution,1775-1783)、1812年战争(the War of 1812,又称为第二次独立战争,是美国与英国之间发生于1812至1815年的战争)、墨西哥战争( the Mexican War,是美国与墨西哥在1846年至1848年爆发的一场关于领土...
Grant said: "You know, I remember you from the Mexican War, and what was it you did?" 他说墨西哥战争那会儿,我就知道有你这个人,你那时干什么差事?” Lee looked at him and he said, "All these times in this battle, I've tried to recall your face. 李看了看他,说道在这场战斗中,我...
The Mexican War (1846-1848) was the U.S. Army's first experience waging extended conflict in foreign land. This brief war is oftentimes overlooked by casual students of history as it occurred so close to the American Civil War and is overshadowed by the latter's sheer size and scope. Yet...
the Mexican War and the Louisiana Purchase. Westward expansion had opened up new land and new states. Wealthy southerners wanted to expand their landholdings, which required more slaves for cotton production. Also, the Southern states felt squeezed economically and politically; they believed their wa...
1848 年结束的美墨战争(Mexican – American War),扩宽了包括加州在内的美国广袤的西部版图, 形成了三分天下的新局面。这片空旷土地从一开始就引起了支持美墨战争的南方蓄奴州的窥视,如果能将这片土地成功腐化为奴隶制,那么占尽2/3国土的奴隶州将完全掌控美国政治的走向,废奴和关税将成为北方的最后绝唱。
墨西哥战争期间,他被分派到著名的工兵团, Appointed to the prestigious corps of engineers, 三次因英勇获得晋升,在那里 he was three times promoted for bravery during the Mexican War, 他第一次遇到了年轻的尤利西斯.S.格兰特。 where he once met a young Ulysses S. Grant. 成为西点军校校长,捉拿约翰....
The Mexican War: A Military History Research Collection BibliographyArmy operationsBibliographiesHistoryLibrariesArmy researchThis bibliography differs from the previous publications in this series since it concerns a specific time in American history, the Mexican War period from 1835 to 1850. From a ...