Metro 这种说法来自法语 métro,由 Chemin de fer métropolitain 缩略而来,原本表示「大都市铁路」。 受法语影响,伦敦最早的地铁也曾命名为 Metropolitan Railway。 如今metro 早已进入众多语言,成为世界范围内最流行用来指代地铁轨交系统的词。 很多地铁标识都会用到 M 这个字母。 即使当地口语中更习惯用其它词来代称,...
Visual Capitalist This Giant Map Shows All the Metropolitan Areas in the U.S. VC+ More From VC Go Ad-Free My Account Log In Purchase Ad-Free Partner with UsVisual CapitalistThis Giant Map Shows All the Metropolitan Areas in the U.S....
During the second half of the 20th century, the population of the South boomed, exceeding 100 million by the end of the century, when the increasingly urban region contained two-fifths of the nation’s 50 largest metropolitan areas. By the 2000 census, Texas had surpassed New York as the ...
Another destination that must not be overlooked is theMuseum of Fine Artsaccessible from Green line. It has the second largest artistic exposition in the United States, surpassed only by the Metropolitan Museum of Art of New York, which makes it one of the most symbolic museums of the north ...
The New York City public transit system run by the Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA) is one of the most comprehensive metro systems in the world. You can use it to travel between four of thefive boroughs- Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, and the Bronx. ...
Map of the located route of the Metropolitan Rail Road and the...Wm. R. . Hutton
seoul metropolitan su seoul officials kept seoulchuncheon expres sep 05 sep kamvar sep spherical error p sepals hyaline sepals ovate elliptic separability divisibi separable field exten separablecode separat on separata separate administrati separate churches separate completion separate enterprise separate flyi...
1.metropolitan (defs. 1, 2). n. 2.metropolis (def. 1). 3.(often cap.)Chiefly Canadian.the government or jurisdiction of a large city. [1900–05; by shortening; or independent use ofmetro-3] metro-1 , a combining form meaning “measure”:metronome. ...
"<strong>Inner Metropolitan</strong> – situated in capital cities and consisting of well-established built-up suburbs", "NameDerivation": "Named after Charles Edwin Woodrow Bean, 1879–1968, Australia's official correspondent to the Australian Imperial Force in World War One, editor of the <em...
the method of dispute the method used the methods of electr the metropolitan hall the metropolitan y ho the michael susan del the michael jackson s the micro ah the microfilament sys the microsoft edge the mid-autumn day the mid-summer classi the middle easttukiye the middle income cla the ...