Training Day, a riveting story that delves into the moral dilemmas of policing, boasts Oscar-winning performances by Denzel Washington as the crooked narcotics officer, Alonzo Harris, and Ethan Hawke as the naïve rookie Jake Hoyt. With its gritty portrayal of street crime, this gripping action...
Directed by Antoine Fuqua, the film is lauded for its morally grey characters and intense exploration into the corrupt underbelly of policing. Washington's portrayal of Harris remains one of his most iconic roles to date. Released: 2001 Directed by: Antoine Fuqua Dig Deeper The Best...
02-Banks 2e-45671:02-Banks 2e-45671.qxp 7/1/2008 10:37 AM Page 23 CHAPTER 2 Ethics and the Police Ethics and Policing The study of ethics in policing has expanded considerably over the past few years as cases of police brutality and corruption have surfaced in the media and in the ...
Starting with the very first episode, they’ll rewatch every season and give us a deep dive into their memories of creating the show, reveal how they first met, and discuss how they created a lasting partnership that has endured the better part of two decades. That is, if they can ...
The sonic beauty and effortless style are woven into a complex emotional tapestry—amid joyous odes to the group’s Brooklyn home are lines about racist policing, incarcerated heroes, and neglected communities—leading to an album that meets you wherever you are and sounds different every time you...
to turn policing authority over to the Guardia Nacional. Back home, the Immigration Act of 1924 allowed immigration visas for 2% of the number of people from each nationality in the U.S. according to the 1890 census. The act neglected to include visas for any immigrants from Asia, making ...
when waning public support following World War I and significant opposition internationally and among Dominicans inspired the U.S. to turn policing authority over to the Guardia Nacional. Back home, the Immigration Act of 1924 allowed immigration visas for 2% of the number of people from each nat...
That said I think you can make a big multicultural society function with it, you just need everyone to agree to certain rules about public versus private life, some of which may well be legal fictions, but history tells us with a little effort and self policing you can make it work. ...
Our analyses have met these criteria and given the large sample size and complex, randomized, sampling procedures, the race subcategories are robust in yearly estimates. Socio-political movements led by nationally recognized leaders in health equity, such as the National Congress of American Indians ...
Bring back community policing, which is a vital source of intelligence gathering. That allows offenders to be properly identified and targeted, then get them off the streets where they can do no harm to the rest of the population. Criminals might be more afraid of the thought of arrest than...