There are dozens of messiahs in the Old Testament. 但是,这个词的意义远不止于此。 But, but the word means more than that. 弥赛亚是救世主,是解放者。 A messiah is a savior, a liberator. “你早上要献一隻羊羔 One lamb you shall offer in the morning 还有另一隻羔羊,你们要在黄昏献上。 and...
1.alsoMes·si·as(mĭ-sī′əs)The anticipated savior of the Jews. Used withthe. 2.alsoMessiasChristianityJesus. Used withthe. 3.messiahOne who is anticipated as, regarded as, or professes to be a savior or liberator. [Middle EnglishMessias, Messie, from Old FrenchMessie, from Late ...
Everyone is trying to decide who this Jesus really is, his friends went on. 他的朋友接著说:大家都在议论耶稣到底是谁。 Some think he is a prophet of God, others say He is the Messiah, the Savior God promised to send. 有人说他是神的一个先知, 有的说他是弥赛亚, 神所应许的救主。 The...
The book of Isaiah clearly presents a picture of the comingMessiah as a Suffering Servant. For those of you who are reading Isaiah, you will discover four passages which are often called the “Servant Songs”. They aren’t actually songs, but they are like the Psalms in their poetic and ...
(1 Nephi 10:7–11). In turn, linguistic ambiguity in Lehi’s day might also explain why Nephi himself felt it necessary to clarify that the messiah promised by his father was “a Savior of the world.” This would be a universal messiah who could saveallhumankind, as opposed to a ...
Apply: God’s statement inGenesis 3:15to the serpent that the Seed of the woman, referring to the Messiah, would crush the serpent’s head is often identified as the first gospel (protoevangelium) in Scripture. How does this both reinforce the reality of the conflict and yet provide hope...
That you're the savior? The messiah? 够了- 我跟你们说 他已经将自己的灵魂 That is enough. - I tell you all, he has sold his soul 卖♥♥给了棉花之王 - 皮埃尔 你太过分了 to the King of Cotton. - Pierre, you go too far. ...
Bozoum is located in the northwestern province of Ouham-Pende. The couple shared their hope with area churches: to establish base camps across central Africa as a barrier against encroaching Islam. When they returned in 1918, two nurses and another family joined them. ...
As if see through my embarrassment, he leant to me, another index opened by his clickings.“What is your Relic? Yours feels sharp to me.” I asked him first before I started to read his profile.“It's the Holy Lance, which stabbed the Messiah at his side.” His reply was simple,...
As Mary and Joseph tried to rest on scratchy straw, did they wonder, “How couldthisbe part of your plan, Lord Jehovah? How could the Messiah fulfill his grand destiny from such lowly beginnings?” Little did the couple know: their helpless baby who could not stand “would one day walk ...