In contrast, shorthand pronunciations are like an initialism (a set of initials) in which you say the letters one-by-one (for example, 'ESP' is an initialism for 'extra sensory perception' whereas 'esp. is an abbreviation for especially). The online practice is to refer to shorthand, ...
A brief summary helps to understand why: "The need for a standardized German written language came up in early 15th century at the time of the Reformation. There were practical reasons behind it: The Bible, later also newspapers, works of literature, political declarations, etc. should be read...
Readers witness as the ever-evolving “Sarah” gets recast: as a bible-era trans woman, an aging lesbian literally growing roots, a being who transcends the earth as we know it. While Cohen presents a world that will clearly someday end, “Sarah” will continue. In each Sarah’s refusal...
I will print the paragraph in red. Be sure, the facts themselves are written in that colour, in a book which we shall all of us, literate or illiterate, have to read our page of, some day. 最后,你们鄙视同情心。这一点不需要我说任何话来证明。剪报并将其收藏在抽屉中是我的一个习惯,...
the graceful scenes o the grammar bible the grammatical study the grand su titution the graphic aware the graphic rating sc the grass is always g the grave dancer the grave of love the gravel walks the great attractor the great calamity the great conde the great dog robbery the great elector...
c bible does not says c chinensis osbeck f c chuonzhous c cineraria ldustmill c cinerea bull ex fr c colymbadinus fr c compressus l c emery c finetiana lÉvl et v c her flowersc c japonica choisy con c lancifolium hookf c ligulata nees c majus c myrsinaefolia bl oe c obstacle...
bible - Read the Holy Bible via the command line. ltorah - ltorah provides a way to read the ancient hebrew Torah from the command line. The Rock - Command line King James bible viewer for Linux systems modeled after Debian's bible-kjv, but with extra features. Science Packages for scie...
The Message Lambs in a Wolf Pack 101-2Later the Master selected seventy and sent them ahead of him in pairs to every town and place where he intended to go. He gave them this charge: “What a huge harvest! And how few the harvest hands. So on your knees; ask the God of the Harv...
c other internal assu c a alpinus -- c alba linn c argentilucida levl c bible does not says c chinensis osbeck f c chuonzhous c cineraria ldustmill c cinerea bull ex fr c colymbadinus fr c compressus l c emery c finetiana lÉvl et v c her flowersc c japonica choisy con c la...
Paragraph 51: The treasures of the Bible are to be opened up more fully. That has been accomplished by a greater number of readings from the Bible interspersed throughout the liturgical cycle, both in the Sunday and weekday cycles. Now, especially if you attend daily Mass, you have a much...