Hello, I'm working in ACP pre, I did the mesh generation and this message appeared : '' The mesh does not contain any shell elements. This may be
the fool does think h the foot of a hill the ford tempo shippe the foreign trade cor the forestry chronicl the forgotten battles the formation of a ra the foul by the coach the foundation and de the foundations of mo the founder of the ik the four elements the four feather the four ...
meshing的时候没有出现问题,在检查mesh的时候也没有error,但是运行job的时候出现了如下error:The volume of 1 elements is zero, small, or negative. Check coordinates or node numbering, or modify the mesh seed. In the case of a tetrahedron this error may indicate that all nodes are located very ...
1回复贴,共1页 <返回hypermesh吧hypermesh检查网格质量时 there are no valid elements on the 只看楼主收藏回复 AmourRachel1 中级粉丝 2 hypermesh检查网格质量时 there are no valid elements on the screen 送TA礼物 1楼2019-01-15 13:33回复 12去1234 中级粉丝 2 选择对应维度的网格检测。1D、...
仅作参考:对k文件不熟,是dyna的文件么.你在刚开始没有划分网格之前就要选user profile为dyna,之后再...
That also implies that it’s possible to use this same mesh more than once in various locations across the model. Because the mesh will only need to be stored just once while representing numerous different elements, it is really helpful if you’d love to possess a file size that is small...
We note though that having multiple solutions does not imply that any of them must be erroneous. This situation only indicates that the solution is not unique and can actually be exploited to our own advantage. In this application, a set of different solutions obtained from different random ...
This Betadoes notcontain any new Story Campaign content. That will be a part of the paid Into the Dark DLC, and we want to keep it secret until release. There’s some pretty sweet stuff waiting for you in this expansion! Please note that this is a beta test.Many things are still...