The mere formulation of a problem is far moreessentialthan its solution。 12.当我们遇见一个复杂问题时,常常是多个因素从不同维度共振的结果,各个因素之间还相互影响着,动了一个,往往另几个都随之发生变化。如何根据当前的结果去剖析出真正重要的影响因子,并且找到每一个影响因子是因何而变?如何调整至最佳状态?
cataloguing informati catalysis catalyst formulation catalyst manifold catalyst recirculatio catalyst transfer catalyst-to-crude rat catalytic activity de catalytic agentcataly catalytic disproporti catalytic methylation catalytic oxidative d catalytic reacteor catalytic thermal dec catalytic wet air oxi catalytic...
If the popular reading of the FH is correct, Kantianism is inherently and inevitably inimical to the moral claims of animals. They are excluded from moral concern by the FH, which is a formulation of the Categorical Imperative, the supreme moral principle. So the popular reading that Kantian ...
is not entirely satisfactory. Finally, we explore a different route to restore purity: justifying the arithmeticality, in Isaacson’s sense, of those claims that motivated the move in the first place. As a case study, we take transfinite induction claims for infinite ordinals; thus, ...
Lastly, the essay attempts to be a critical reflection leading to the question of the nature of experiential inferences upon awareness, against its interpretation of truth as a mere accidental or historically defined phenomenon. In the following sections, we will be discussing the reflections of attr...
{2}\)are the current estimates of the mean and variance of the activity of theith output neuron. Note that we do not compute gradients with respect to the mean estimate, which would require backpropagation through time. Assuming that the mean is fixed allows formulation of LPL as a ...
Based on governance theory, societal and political mechanisms of problem solving and the processing of decisions decisive factors for the functioning of a system. (Altrichter and Heinrich, 2007, p. 56). Therefore, we focus on how actors involved in the DRC’s education sector reflected on the...
Differently from the traditional “matrix completion” problem formulation, the computational task in our case is thus to determine a set of suitable musical tracks given a sequence of previous tracks. A variety of algorithms have been proposed for this scenario that is commonly referred to as “...
Such endeavors can catalyze the formulation of strategic frameworks for leveraging EVs in diverse applications.Supplementary Materials The following supporting information can be downloaded at:, Table S1. List of primers used in this study. Table...
As opposed to self-similarity, it quantifies disorder, randomness, and unpredictability in these systems, aiding in risk assessment, portfolio optimisation, and policy formulation [1]. Thus, entropy is a measure of the unexpected. For example, Jorion [2] attributes the abnormal losses during the...