Summary:Antonio was a merchant who possessed a lot of ships. His friend Bassanio fell love with the princess of Beimont, Portia. To voo to her, he need a somme of money.Antonio was generous and valued highly friendships. He agreed without hesitate that Bassanio could raise money...
Here’s a briefThe Merchant of Venicesummary: A young Venetian,Bassanio, needs a loan of three thousand ducats so that he can wooPortia, a wealthy Venetian heiress. He approaches his friend Antonio, a merchant. Antonio is short of money because all his wealth is invested in his fleet, whi...
大学英语复习资料:The Merchant of Venice Shakespeare:TheMerchantofVenice LectureOutline 1.Lead-in:Summaryoftheplot:Twoworldsandthreeplots2.whowasmerchantofVenice?3.Characterization:Antonio(good)vs.Shylock(evil)?4.Dramatictype:comedyvs.tragedy5.Humanisticpuzzle:materialaffluence=happiness?6.Conclusion:the...
下载得到文件列表 Summaryof The Merchant of Venice 中英文对照.doc 相关文档 文档介绍文档介绍:Bassanio,ayoung ian ofnoblerank,wishestowoothebeautifulandwealthyheiress Portia ,heneeds3,000 ducats Antonio,,butsinceheiscash-poor–hisshipsandmerchandisearebusyat...
Summary The Merchant of Venice explores the tension between same and other in several contexts; this chapter attends particularly to the ways in which one strand of the play's Christian ideology attempts to subsume and incorporate Jews and women into a social hierarchy. It considers the problem ...
Summary and Homework Review the whole reading part. dis cus s 1’ 板 书 Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice The 3rd Period Reading Analyse the main characters.Find sentences in the text to support your ideas. Shylock: greedy and mean, cold-blooded, stone-hearted, vengeful(复仇心重...
The Merchant of Venice Shylock in "TheMerchantofVenice" Summary: In "TheMerchantofVenice" by William Shakespeare‚ Shylock is always portrayed as the villain of the play. However‚ a study of his strengths and weaknesses reveals how hard it is to tell whether he is a villain or a victi...
Summary Bassanio, a young Venetian of noble rank, wishes to woo the beautiful and wealthy heiressPortiaof Belmont. Having squandered (浪费, 挥霍) his estate, he needs 3,000 ducats to subsidise his expenditures as a suitor. Bassanio approaches his friendAntonio,...
《威尼斯商人》夏洛克角色分析The characteristics of Jews in European writers works——Take the Merchant of Venice for example.ppt,Christianity’s dominance over other religions, Christians began to defame Jews. Intolerance of the Jews was a fact of 16th c