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The Merchant of Venice (《威尼斯商人》),莎翁四大喜剧之一,女主人公Portia美丽智慧,威尼斯商人Antonio仗义疏财,宁愿为朋友Bassanio(Portia的丈夫)挨上一刀,高利贷商人Shylock冷酷贪婪——不过现在看来令人同情……作者,William Shakespeare(威廉·莎士比亚),15
看莎士比亚喜剧威尼斯商人TheMerchantofVenice(双语译林壹力文库)ACT 1.最新章节, [Enter ANTONIO, SALARINO, a...番茄小说网下载番茄小说免费阅读全文。
Amy_Zhangxr创作的外语有声书作品The Merchant of Venice,目前已更新10个声音,收听最新音频章节The end。莎士比亚的经典故事,快来听听正宗的剧本故事和英文朗读吧!
THEMERCHANT OF VENICE(ACT 3, SCENE 1) 英语阅读理解英伦学堂摘要:William Shakespearevip英语世界
The Merchant of Venice/act1/scene1 72019-05 9 The Merchant of Venice-act5-scene1(2) 362019-05 10 TheMerchant ofVenice-act4;5-scene2;1(1) 102019-05 查看更多 猜你喜欢 1810 The-Princess-and-the-Frog by:亚乐伦图书 5522 The-Fox-and-the-Dog by:亚乐伦图书 26 THE HEN-THE HEN by:小众...
威尼斯商人英文舞台剧剧本the-merchant-of-venice.doc,The Merchant of Venice Act IV Scene I Venice. A court of justice Role Description Shylock He is the representative of usury capital, is stingy miser . But money-grubber Shylock was uncharacteristically a
Ruddigore (The Witch's Curse), operetta: Act 1. I once was as meek as a new-born lamb Ruddigore (The Witch's Curse), operetta: Act 1. Happily coupled are we The Merchant of Venice, incidental music: No. 1. Introduction The Merchant of Venice, incidental music: No. 3. Bourr�e ...
大学英语复习资料:The Merchant of Venice Shakespeare:TheMerchantofVenice LectureOutline 1.Lead-in:Summaryoftheplot:Twoworldsandthreeplots2.whowasmerchantofVenice?3.Characterization:Antonio(good)vs.Shylock(evil)?4.Dramatictype:comedyvs.tragedy5.Humanisticpuzzle:materialaffluence=happiness?6.Conclusion:the...
Read our selection of the very best quotes from The Merchant of Venice, along with speaker, act and scene. As with so many of his plays Shakespeare