Polanski, P. J., & Hinkle, J. S. (2000). The mental status examination: Its use by professional counselors. Journal of Counseling & Development, 78, 357-364.Polanski, P. J., & Hinkle, J. S. (2000). The Mental Status Examination: Its use by professional counselors. Journal of ...
The mental status examination is a study of the patient’s behavior and experience, primarily within the environment of the examination itself. Therefore, it deals mainly with the present, not the past. Because it consists of time-limited observations, it is ordinarily viewed as a cross-...
Define Mental status examination. Mental status examination synonyms, Mental status examination pronunciation, Mental status examination translation, English dictionary definition of Mental status examination. n. 1. The act of examining or the state of b
In this brief paperbound volume, the authors set as goals that the reader become able to conduct and interpret a comprehensive evaluation of neuropsychological functioning and a 15-minute mental status screening examination. The last of these goals remains just beyond the reach of this worthwhile bo...
Every clinician conducts a mental status examination in the course of each clinician/patient interaction as he or she decides how much faith to place in the patient's history and how intensively to pursue it. For example, by noting how the patient looks as he or she describes the illness, ...
The Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE)(迷你精神状态检查(MMSE)).pdf,Issue Number 3, January 1999 Series Editor: Meredith Wallace, PhD, RN, MSN, CS The Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) By: Lenore Kurlowicz, PhD, RN, CS and Meredith Wallace, PhD, RN
内容提示: Issue Number 3, January 1999 Series Editor: Meredith Wallace, PhD, RN, MSN, CSThe Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE)By: Lenore Kurlowicz, PhD, RN, CS and Meredith Wallace, PhD, RN, MSNWHY: Cognitive impairment is no longer considered a normal and inevitable change of aging....
精神状态检查(Mental Status Examination ) 外观:缺乏个人特色;通常不注意流行的趋势;穿着着重功能性而非流行性;可能会表现出不符合社会现况的情形。 行为:急躁的、焦虑的;不安的;笨拙的;刻板无趣的;局促不安的;脸部少有表情:缺乏生气。 合作程序:态度合作的,但很少透露个人资料。
The mental status examination is then presented in detail, including nuances in assessing activity, mood, and perceptual disturbances. The manuscript content provides a template for the overall evaluation of neuropsychiatric patients. 展开 关键词:
The Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) is the most commonly used brief cognitive tool in the assessment of a variety of cognitive disorders. The tool comprises a short battery of 20 individual tests covering 11 domains and totalling 30 points. Typical completion time is 8 min in cognitively ...