The purpose of the lifeline is to connect people experiencing a mental health emergency to crisis care resources. Addison Eggebeen, 15, firmly believes that dialing 988 last year was the most important call she’s ever made. Advertisement Science & Medicine If you’re living with a drug or m...
Related to hotline:Hotwire,Hotmail hot·line orhot line(hŏt′līn′) n. 1.A direct and immediate telephone linkup, especially between heads of government, as for use in a crisis. 2.A telephone line that gives quick and direct access to a source of information or help:a 24-hour hot...
National Maternal Mental Health Hotline Deaf & HOH Parents Women Pregnancy and a new baby can bring a range of emotions. Many new moms feel overwhelmed, sad, anxious, or exhausted at different... 1-833-852-6262 1-833-852-6262 1-833-852-6262 ...
Prioritizing Mental Health: The Rollout of the 988 Nationwide HotlineEliason, SteveRapaport, MarkAbbey, BenHinckley Journal of Politics
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255 Mental Health Hotline Numbers and Referral Sources I Need Mental Help: Where To Find Mental Health Help Related Articles Dealing with Stigma and Suicide Suicide Information, Resources, and Support Seeking Help for Suicidal Thoughts When Facing Sti...
usage will be collected using five questions asking the number of visits to various service providers for mental health reasons over the last 2 weeks, including walk-in clinic, family doctor or nurse practitioner, emergency department, mental health counselor, and mental health hotline/phone support...
The results suggest that training in recognizing and referring mental health calls might be useful for Hotline workers. The results also serve as a reminder for all health care professionals and organizations of the potential for overlap between patients' mental health-related needs and patients' ...
These professionals include psychiatrists, assistant psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses, general medicine clinicians, clinical psychologists, counselling psychologists, social workers, hotline operators, and other professionals.2 [ ‘Assistant psychiatrists’ are medical personnel trained in technical secondary ...
To learn more about Crisis Text Line, go to: About Crisis Text Line We're so happy that help was received during a moment of crisis, but we know that the work does not end there. So many people find themselves lost in the mental health care system with more ques...
For more coverage:Inside America's youth mental health crisis ::: If you or someone you know is in emotional distress or suicidal crisis, call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 988 or 1-800-273-TALK (8255). For more information about mental health care resources and support, The...