The mental health crisis in the United States should be treated as an emergency encompassing a cross-sector approach. Progress should include theactiveandvoluntaryparticipation of the private and commercialized industries that directly or indirectly affect the service and delivery of mental health servi...
was in a mental health crisis, according to survey results from health policy research organization KFF and CNN. Meanwhile, mental health and substance use issues often occur together, and the country’s fatal drug overdose totals have topped 100,000 during the pandemic and in its wake. The ...
The health and economic crisis has already spurred a rise in mental health and substance-use issues that will have consequences for years to come. But it has also sparked innovation and flexibility in the health system, from sophisticated data analytics to tel...
This column is the second in a series summarizing the 2-day Centennial Conference of the Austen Riggs Center. The conference framed problems in access to care and in the nature of the care being provided that are part of a mental health crisis in America, and then worked to propose ...
People and places that will make referrals to, or provide, diagnostic and treatment services include: family doctors, community mental health centers, university -- or medical school -- affiliated programs, and local medical or psychiatric societies. In times of crisis, the emergency room doctor ...
Jamie Howard, senior clinical psychologist at the Child Mind Institute, joins "CBS Mornings" to discuss the youth mental health crisis and shares tips on how parents can have an open conversation with their teens about mental health and social
Moving past conceptual binary constructs fueling this polarization can be an important first step in addressing the mental health crisis in youth. Herein, we discuss the reasons for this polarization, strategies to overcome it, and how these insights should inform clinical practice. Full Text ...
The current heroin addiction crisis in the US is challenging notions of "getting tough on drug abuse" because the addicts are mainly white. 美国的刑事司法系统,以及历来利用“毒品战争”迫害年轻非洲裔美国男性的共和党政客,对白人海洛因成瘾者却出人意料地充满同情。 The US criminal justice system,...
A recent report from the Commission on Children at Risk warned that rising rates of mental and emotional problems among U.S. children and teenagers signal a crisis for the country. Depression, anxiety, attention deficit, conduct disorders, suicidal thinking, and other serious psychological problems ...
BGC Canada attended the First Mental Health Summit in Ottawa, where I presented on a youth mental health panel. Unfortunately, the message was that the kids are not alright.