Jeg forsikrer dere også om at det såklart er fullt mulig å kontakte meg om adblock-listene på bokmål, nynorsk, dansk eller svensk, dersom dette er ønskelig for deg/dere. Man er ikke nødt til å bruke engelsk hele tiden. ...
On the other hand, you may have never made a movie before, and that may be intimidating. But if you've ever wanted to, now is the time. Music videos are short, they're as much or as little work as you want, and the whole process of making a movie, especially when it doesn't ... Leave a commentPosted inmovie music Over the Rainbow Posted bysoundofthunderonMay 3, 2010 Over the Rainbow, sung by Suzan Erens Over the Rainbow Music by Harold Arlen Lyrics by E.Y. Harburg 1939 Over the Rainbow Phrasing Some-where / o-ver...
Sothink Web Video Downloader, a convenient video downloader, can detect any live video from internet, capture, download and save them to your PC for offline enjoyment. You can download Flash videos (flv) from YouTube, MSN, Google, or videos in other formats (swf, wmv, asf, avi, mov, mp...