托福考试日期: 2018年11月4日 托福考试内容回忆: The Medieval Agricultural Revolution 农具进步,原本套在马牛喉咙上的装置被放到肩上提高生产效率。 一种新的plow 工具能让土地更有营养防止洪水什么的但必须好几头动物一起拉并不易转弯。所以农民需要合作设好路线。 粮食一起耕种。春天种下植物可带来氮元素给土壤,...
科学家发现K/T boundary里有某种稀有元素,这种稀有元素只能来自陨石或者火山喷发,但是火山喷发肯定会伴随着其他两种稀有元素,而地质层里并没有这两种元素,所以推测是小行星撞地球引发了白垩纪大灭绝。The Medieval Agricultural Revolution 过去的农业、村庄比较分离,种植主要以谷物为主,没有蔬菜,产量比较低。由于...
The Medieval Agricultural Revolution(中世纪的农业革命) 2月18日托福B卷阅读第二篇文章讲述中世纪农业革命的原因,是新型犁的发展和马作为使役动物在农业中的应用,内容高度重复15.01.11和15.11.14 The Plow and the Horse in Medieval Europe,连所使用的插图都是一样的:...
After around 900 A.D.the North Atlantic region began a 300-year spell of elevated temperature known as the medieval warm period, which affected agriculture both in North America and in Europe- including a burst of productivity that has sometimes been called a revolution.Although some have questio...
humans on the fringes of Mesopotamia began to shift from a hunting-gathering existence and started to control the animals and plants they would eat, thus initiating the Agricultural (or Neolithic Revolution. That it was a revolution there can be no dispute. It transformed the way human beings ...
(or Neolithic Revolution. That it was a revolution there can be no dispute. It transformed the way human beings lived and shattered a tradition over two million years old. However, why the Agricultural Revolution occurred at this precise time is still largely a matter of conjecture. Why. for...
#一天一句托福长难句# The agricultural revolution stimulated many in the countryside to seek a new life in the city and made it possible for fewer farmers to feed the large concentrations of people needed to provide a workforce for growing numbers of factories.今日解析: ...
According to paragraph 2, one effect of the increased agricultural development in the Midwest was to A. slow the rate at which population grew in many Midwestern cities B. increase the demand for industrial products from Midwestern cities C. encourage the extension of east-west rail lines to th...