Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Encyclopedia. Related to venous s's of dura mater: venous sinussinus si·nus (sī′nəs) n. 1. A depression or cavity formed by a bending or curving. 2. Anatomy a. A dilated channel or receptacle containing chiefly venous blood. b. Any of ...
Medical Encyclopedia scor·pi·on (skôr′pē-ən) n. 1.Any of various arachnids of the order Scorpiones, chiefly of warm dry regions, having large claws and a segmented tail that curves over the back and is tipped with a venomous sting. ...
1. Overview of genus Lachesis 2. Lachesis envenoming: epidemiology, symptoms and treatment 3. Bioactive components of Lachesis venom 4. Concluding remarks and perspectives Credit author statement Ethical statement Funding Declaration of competing interest Acknowledgements References Cited by (9) Figures ...
There could be special therapeutic effect due to different types,parts,preparations,and even toxicity of medicinal snakes,and therefore medicinal snakes have caused the attention in the medical profession in China and abroad. The sea snakes as the Chinese medicinals are increasingly known and familiar...
(Browne, 1962;Meyerhof, 1931). The book included 360 chapters, listed diseases and their treatments, including multiple uses of opium as a sleep aid, for cough, spitting of blood, eye diseases, dropsy, and headache (plaster of opium, saffron, gum, and blood of dragon to be applied to ...
Newlands, G. (1982) Preliminary report on the medical importance of Sicarius (Araneae : Sicariidae) and the action of its venom. Mem. Inst. Butantan 46, 293-304.Newlands, G., 1982. Preliminary report on the medical impor- tance of Sicarius (Araneae: Sicariidae) and the action of...
The treatment of epilepsy by the injection of rattlesnake venom has attracted some attention. Those of us who are connected with the Pennsylvania
Modern computational methods enable the systematic exploration of novel therapeutic uses for venom compounds. Unfortunately, there is currently no comprehensive resource describing the clinical effects of venoms to support this computational analysis. We present VenomKB, a new publicly accessible knowledge ...
Medical Wikipedia (Zool.)any serpent which has poison glands and fangs, whether dangerous to man or not. These serpents constitute two tribes, the viperine serpents, or Solenoglypha, and the cobralike serpents, or Proteroglypha. The former have perforated, erectile fangs situated in the front pa...
Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Financial, Acronyms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Related to virus: computer virusvi·rus (vī′rəs) n. pl. vi·rus·es 1. a. Any of various submicroscopic agents that infect living organisms, often causing disease, and that consist of a single...