Medical Encyclopedia Wikipedia he·mol·y·sis (hĭ-mŏl′ĭ-sĭs, hē′mə-lī′sĭs) n. The destruction or dissolution of red blood cells, with subsequent release of hemoglobin. he′mo·lyt′ic(hē′mə-lĭt′ĭk)adj. ...
- Further Clinical Data including Long-Term Follow-up for Chugai's Hemlibra Presented at ISTH -- 9/7/2019 Dr Azhar said death ratio in patients with hemophilia disease is low as compared to thalassemia patients. Medical expert calls for 'public awareness' on World Hemophilia Day to daughter,...
Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical. hemorrhage hemorrhage (hĕmˈərĭj), escape of blood from the circulation (arteries, veins, capillaries) to the internal or external tissues. The term is usually applied to a loss of blood that is copious enough to threaten health or ...
第一章 Medical English: Features and Learning医学英语的学习特点分析和医学交流过程的特点分析 2. Medical Literacy and Terminology (专业术语的构成和专有符号等) 3. Critical Reading Skills (批判性阅读能力的形成) 4. Literature and D
the branch of medical science that studies the diseases of the blood. hemophilia,haemophilia a tendency to uncontrolled bleeding. Alsohemorrhaphilia, haemorrhaphilia. —hemophiliac, haemophiliac,n., adj. hemostasis,haemostasis the stoppage of bleeding or cessation of the circulation of the blood; ...
Once it is diagnosed, bleeding in the head must be treated immediately with clotting factor concentrates. Without treatment, bleeding may result in long-term brain damage and could be life-threatening. Vaccines All newborns, including those with hemophilia, should get a vitamin K shot at birth, ...
Hemophilia B:It is also called Christmas disease named after Stephen Christmas who was the first person diagnosed with this disease. Hemophilia B is due to the deficiency of the clotting factor IX (nine) in the blood. It is four times less common than hemophilia A. ...
BioMarin provides 3 years of clinical data from ongoing phase 1/2 study of valoctocogene roxaparvovec gene therapy for severe hemophilia A.
9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook vas Thesaurus Medical Financial Acronyms Encyclopedia Wikipedia vas (văs)·sa(vā′zə)Anatomy A vessel or duct. [Latinvās,vessel.] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth ...
hemophiliapatient-reported outcomespatient preferencesquality of lifeIntroduction: One of the recent advances in assessing outcomes of medical care is the inclusion of the patient perspective. The term patient-reported outcome (PRO) is used to reflect the patient perceptions of disease and its ...