At present, the mechanism of earthquake is still based on elastic rebound theory—Earthquake is caused by the release of elastic energy of rock strata due to fault dislocation. But more and more scholars began to question whether the elastic energy after fault faulting can really reach the huge...
6.3.5 Mechanism of deep earthquakes 329 6.3.6 Slow and tsunamigenic earthquakes 331 6.4 The relative role of seismic and aseismic faulting 333 6.4.1 Aseismic slip 334 6.4.2 Seismic coupling of subduction zones 337 6.5 Induced seismicity 341 6.5.1 Some examples 342 6.5.2 Mechanisms of reservoir...
The focal mechanism studies of earthquakes intend two things. First, there is the determination of the character of the motion at the source of an individual earthquake as deduced from the data of seismograms. This is of importance in understanding a particular earthquake and in relating the ...
Physics of the Earth & Planetary InteriorsSatake, K., The mechanism of the 1983 Japan Sea earthquake as inferred from long-period surface waves and tsunamis, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 37, 249 - 260, 1985.Satake, K. t 1985). The mechanism of the 1983 Japan Sea earthquake as inferred...
The concept that frictional instability is the most likely mechanism of shallow earthquakes is now dominating20,21. The dynamics of frictional behavior of a block-fault system under normal and shear stresses is investigated in numerical and laboratory experiments to understand the laws of earthquake ...
We present a dynamic rupture model of the 2016 Mw 7.8 Kaikōura earthquake to unravel the event’s riddles in a physics-based manner and provide insight on the mechanical viability of competing hypotheses proposed to explain them. Our model reproduces ke
ICRP of "Cross-Fault Measurement for Earthquake Prediction" (ICGdR-ICRP-1), and expresses his gratitude to the expert group for its fruitful work. He said that the ICGdR would strongly support the resolutions formed at this meeting and continue to promote the specific implementation of the ICRP...
blocks are the primary mechanism for the occurrences of devastating earthquakes. Authors and Affiliations Institute of Geology, China Seismological Bureau, 100029, Beijing, China Peizhen Zhang, Qidong Deng, Jin Ma, Weijun Gan, Wei Min & Fengying Mao...
NUMERICAL MODELING FOR WENCHUAN EARTHQUAKE MECHANISM. Journal of Geomechanics, 2009, 15(2): 105-105. [6] Wu Zhenhan, Wu Ganguo, Sun Baoshan. ANALYSIS OF THE JIASHI,XINGJIANG,EARTHQUAKE AND THE RELATED TECTONIC ACTIVITY. Journal of Geomechanics, 1997, 3(3): 4-4. [7] MENG Qiu, GAO ...
The pattern evolution and dynamic mechanism of the dynamic changes of regional gravity fields occurring before and after the Wenchuan Ms8.0 earthquake are analyzed, based on five epochs of 1998–2007 mobile gravity data from the middle-south section of the north–south seismic belt, and two epochs...