However, the meaning ofins and outssuggests wholeness and entirety because of the conjunction of opposites, regardless of what each opposite signifies. A somewhat literal application of this phrase is in reference to the windings and turnings in a road, and by extension, of less concrete things,...
Totalitarian regimes are autocracies. When they are said to be tyrannies, despotisms, or absolutisms, the basic general nature of such regimes is being denounced, for all these words have a strongly pejorative flavor. When they call themselves ‘democracies’, qualifying it by the adjective ‘...
There in my little office I read hastily scribbled letters smuggled out of totalitarian regimes by men and women who were risking imprisonment to inform the outside world of what was happening to them. I saw photographs of those who had disappeared without trace, sent to Amnesty by their despe...
This leads to a consideration of an important but heretofore unexplored question: What is the meaning of the movement of a totalitarian regime to a post-totalitarian regime? Was what seemed for many in the West to be a sign of Communism's ability to moderate itself actually the emblem of ...
Donnersmarck's brilliant film explores how it is that people are capable of living within a lie. This leads to a consideration of an important but heretofore unexplored question: What is the meaning of the movement of a totalitarian regime to a post-totalitarian regime? Was what seemed for ...
Whether one looks at the early intellectual excitement embodied in Sidney and Beatrice Webb’s prediction of a “new civilization” and the heralding of “true democracy” by E.H. Carr, or the later revelation of the totalitarian reality of the Soviet system, the force of this Soviet ...
Meaning and history: The origins of totalitarianism in the decline of mysticism and the rise of inner-worldly religion. According to Niebuhr, Oakeshott, Voegelin, Arendt and others, the modern era has been dominated by efforts to differentiate reality into theories that deny to it any fundamentally...
that meaning of a passage which is deduced from the circumstances of time, place, etc., under which it was written. See also:historic Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co. Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link...
Although the expression’s initial figurative meaning has been virtually obsolete since the 16th and 17th centuries,nose of waxis still occasionally used in describing a wishy-washy or easily manipulated person. He was a nose of wax with this woman. (Benjamin Disraeli,Endymion, 1880) ...
Robert B. Pippin, “Hannah Arendt and the Bourgeois Origins of Totalitarian Evil,” in, ed. Alan D. Schrift (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2005), 149; Theodor Adorno,Negative Dialectics, trans. E. B. Ashton (New York: Seabury, 1973). ...