(Bible)the Ten CommandmentsOld Testamentthe commandments summarizing the basic obligations of man towards God and his fellow men, delivered to Moses on Mount Sinai engraved on two tables of stone (Exodus 20:1–17). Also known as:the Decalogue ...
《十诫》/ The Ten Commandments (1956) 他心灵备受折磨。他奋力前进,前进,走向一个不可知的神。他不知道该赌咒或感谢,这股驱策他前进的力量,因为他不知道这股力量来自何处。——《十诫》美国剧情片《十诫》...
网页 图片 视频 学术 词典 地图 更多 the Ten Commandments 美 英 na.十诫;〔俚语〕十指 网络十戒;摩西十戒 英汉 网络释义 na. 1. 十诫;〔俚语〕十指© 2025 Microsoft 隐私声明和 Cookie 法律声明 广告 帮助 反馈
aIn conclusion, the effects of the Ten Commandments are limited in those times. It was some kind of tools made use of by Taiping leaders to realize their dream of governing an empire. While on the other hand, with the strict rules, people were given a faith to follow and consciously cont...
The explanation of the Ten Commandments gives detailed meaning and breaks pride in Christians. This is the explanation and meaning of the Ten Commandments; You
【影视回顾】(摩西)十诫 The Ten Commandments (1958) extras【英语】 1398播放 ·总弹幕数02020-01-03 13:14:01 主人,未安装Flash插件,暂时无法观看视频,您可以… 磁力 详见https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%8D%81%E8%AF%AB/11016046?fr=aladdin ...
a產品功能及描述 Product function and description[translate] aThe Ten Commandments 十个指令[translate]
the ten commandments 释义 请查阅词条:Ten Commandments, the 随便看 immersions immersive immigrant immigrants immigrate immigrated immigrates immigrating immigration immigration immigrational immigration and naturalization service immigration-and-naturalization-service Immigration and Naturalization Service, the Immigrat...
犹太人的10条commandments指的是《摩西十诫》,传说是神(耶和华)在西奈山的山顶亲自传达给摩西的,是耶和华对以色列人的告诫。其英文原文和翻译如下:The Ten Commandments(摩西十诫)1、I am The Lord your God, Who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You ...
(=flat pieces of stone)and they appear in the Christian, Jewish, and Islamic religions. The ten rules include ‘Thou shalt not kill’ and ‘Thou shalt not steal’. A set of basic rules is sometimes called the ‘Ten Commandments’十诫〔《圣经•旧约》中记载的上帝在西奈山上晓谕摩西、规定...