Colors are one of the most beautiful and also one of the most under-appreciated aspects of the physical realm. We are surrounded by colors, but how often do we notice the numerous subtleties in the myriad shades.Spiritually, color can impart both information - as in aura colors, and energy...
In the meaning of colors, purple and violet represent the future, the imagination and dreams, while spiritually calming the emotions. They inspire and enhance psychic ability and spiritual enlightenment, while, at the same time, keeping us grounded. The color violet relates to the fantasy world, ...
In her book,Color Therapy Plain and Simple: The Only Book You Will Ever Need,author Nina Ashby provides practical, as well as spiritual information on the use and meaning of color in our lives. It is obvious that color can have an effect on our spirit, mind and body. Many of our favo...
If there were ever a time demanding religious imagination—the ability to see resurrection light even on Good Friday—this is it. Such envisioning will be one of the ongoing tasks ofThe Religious Imagineer. But we can’t just leap into Easter. We must first do our time at the foot of th...
My ponderings most often occur on paper. Sometimes I journal through the meaning of a passage; other times I might compose a prayer in response to what I’ve read. Writing slows and augments my thinking. As I record impressions and prayers, new discoveries have a chance to surface, truths...
Learn about snake symbolism and snake meaning, as well as the snake spirit animal, serpent mythology, snake dreams, tattoos, and more...
If you are seeking after God, you may be sure of this: God is seeking you much more. He is the Love and you are His beloved. He has promised Himself to you. –John of the Cross, Spanish priest (1542-91) And when we consider all these attributes of our God of hope—his . . ...
If we answer with “ the red of rose added color to the life” or “ it rather stimulated the life, made the life being more passionate”--- this is in fact a question of the optics and biology, however, we generally would like to take this answer as “ the explanation of the lite...
In a contemplative mood this Christmas? Try getting into the holiday spirit by way of meditating on the true meaning of the season with this brash, uptempo Southern California crust punk tune. Now the best-known song from the Vandals' 1996 Christmas album of the same name, "...
The health value [Higyeia] must be worshiped but also to transform the meaning of worship into practices that favor the rehabilitation of human nature. Myths support rites, which aim for action corresponding to the myth and suggest a lifestyle to the sick. Thus, the rites were aimed at ...