skell Wikipedia skell (skĕl) n.Slang A homeless person who lives as a derelict. [Origin unknown.] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. ...
第一段第一句“early man viewed illness as divine punishment and healing as purification”提出一个过去的观念,然后解释道“pharmakon,meaning ‘purification through purging’”,所以pharmakon是用来举例说明上述观点的,故选D。 [知识拓展]在“pharmakon,meaning ‘purification through purging’”表述中,purification ...
Gronke, The Skeptical American: Revisiting the Meanings of Trust in Government and Confidence in Institutions, The Journal of Politics 67(3) (2005), 784-803.Cook, Timothy E. & Gronke, Paul. 2005. "The Skeptical American: Revisiting the Meaning of Trust ...
that is fine.But I consider this a miracle.There is no other way to describe it.Some things just cannot be explained.Of course,some people are skeptical.For me,it is precious.I try not to think about the possibility of going blind again.But my recovery...
pp.359.)进步观念作为现代思想之历史性的根源,它招致现代哲学极度依赖自己的历史和传统,深陷于第二洞穴,结果所有人类思想都被历史监禁(the growth in modern times of historicism—meaning now the development, not of the will to such a view, but of the inner sense of its plausibility—is largely due ...
Sceptical and Skeptical both mean having doubts or reservations, but "sceptical" is preferred in British English, while "skeptical" is used in American English.
2.The word “skeptical” in the passage is closest in meaning to A. doubting B. ignorant C. growing D. serious 你的答案: 正确答案:A 题目解析: 登录 后才能查看题目解析,还没有账号? 马上注册 推荐文章: 【托福阅读】Official 28-P2 鹿和鹿的摩擦 【托福阅读】Official 24-P1 湖中的...
their eggs on developing fruits, and eat many of the eggs they do manage to lay. 5.The word “skeptical” in the passage is closest in meaning to A. curious B. doubtful C. open-minded D. practical 你的答案: 正确答案:B 题目解析:...
B.voice his understanding of why the old man couldn’t get up in the morning C.illustrate one way that wet weather influences human behavior D.explain why people often get up late on rainy days 2. What is the meaning of the underlined word in the third paragraph?
" meaningwe must investigate this. The Pyrrhonists inquired into the truth of matters, even if most of the time that meant that they sought contrary arguments to dogmatic positions held by other philosophers, such as theStoicsorEpicureans. On those issues where argument and counterargument equal...