小林, 幸江コバヤシ, ユキエKOBAYASHI, Yukie
The meaning of “atom” in physics is different from that in chemistry. In physics, an atom is considered as a fundamental particle, while in chemistry, an atom is the basic building block of matter. Which of the following words has a similar semantic change in different fields?
(Grammar) (in English grammar) a phrase that consists of a verb plus an adverbial or prepositional particle, esp one the meaning of which cannot be deduced by analysis of the meaning of the constituents:"take in" meaning "deceive" is a phrasal verb. ...
The discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012 at CERN completed the experimental confirmation of the Standard Model particle spectrum. Current theoretical insig
The word "quantum" is a perfectly good word meaning a wave with minimum amplitude; why are physicists insisting on calling a quantum a particle? The word "quantum" in physics is used as a "definite quantity of a variable" in contrast to "a continuous quantity of that variable". There are...
particle's probability of having various properties. The wave function representing an electron, say, is spatially spread out, so that the electron has possible locations rather than a definite one. But somehow, strangely, when you stick a detector in the scene and measure the electron's ...
The first step is examining the semantic function of final particles. It argues that every final particle expresses a semantic core despite its various uses in different contexts. According to its core meaning, each final particle is related to a functional projection in the C-domain. The second...
Define meaning of activity. meaning of activity synonyms, meaning of activity pronunciation, meaning of activity translation, English dictionary definition of meaning of activity. n. pl. ac·tiv·i·ties 1. The state of being active. 2. Energetic action
The word “atom” in physics has a different meaning from that in chemistry. In physics, an atom is considered as a fundamental particle, while in chemistry, an atom is the basic building block of matter. Which of the following words has a similar semantic change in different fields?
1英语翻译Each particle is a microcosm(微观世界),and faithfully renders the likeness of the world.请翻译一下(最主要是后半句话我看不大懂.)render在这里是什么意思呀?I mean,its exact meaning.那likeness呢?我查到有个意思是相似物。render世界的相似物。扮演世界的相似物,或者反映世界的相似物。都觉得有...