of clear rules of formal scientific practice, but can include social factors, though Kuhn has never developed a full analysis of what these might be. Collins (1975) took this concept further when he asserted that the outcome of experiments was not something whose meaning could be immediately ...
Share on Facebook hyperthermophile Medical Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to hyperthermophile:Mesophile,psychrophile hy·per·ther·mo·phile (hī′pər-thûr′mə-fīl′) n. Any of various organisms, such as certain bacteria and archaea, requiring temperatures of 80°C (176°F) or higher...
The meaning of the Low Optimum End-Expiratory Airway Pressure value found in some COVID-19 patientsCOVID-19HypoxaemiaLung morphologyPEEPdoi:10.1016/j.accpm.2021.100826Karim BendjelidJean-Michel ConstantinAnaesthesia Critical Care & Pain Medicine
Whether Harwood was indeed the progenitor of porter remains open to speculation, due to the fact that porter had widespread popularity across Britain by 1720s, meaning it either exploded with popularity within a couple of years, or its antecedents are older. Take for instance the following descrip...
When comparing the semantics of this definition with the core meaning of the term network granularity level, it can be easily seen that the content of both terms is identical. Moreover, their content differs considerably from the notion of optimal network modularity. Therefore, the network ...
However, the meaning of such stories is questionable (Mazet et al., 2016, Scerri et al., 2019, Wakeley, 1999). Also, most tree models assume the existence of clear splitting events similar to those separating species, and some tree models assume, as in most species trees, that there is...
It is as if the pain becomes fuel for the flame of your consciousness, which then burns more brightly as a result. This is the esoteric meaning of the ancient art of alchemy: the transmutation of base metal into gold, of suffering into consciousness. The split within is healed, and you ...
The bias problem in probabilistic regression has been the subject of Sect. 4-37 for simultaneous determination of first moments as well as second central moments by inhomogeneous multilinear, namely bilinear, estimation. Based on the review of the first author “Variance-covariance component estimation...
In contrast, we show in Supplementary Note 6 that if the suppressor is constitutively expressed (obligate), the spread of the suppressor (S1) to fixation in the population causes the trait distorter (D1) to become neutral, meaning the trait distorter (D1) can be maintained in the population...
These data have been validated with direct observations and other published data from reanalysis, such as the NOAA optimum interpolation sea surface temperature and the Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model data, which are commonly accepted to be valid and reliable (Figs S1−S3). For modelling purposes, ...