第一段第一句“early man viewed illness as divine punishment and healing as purification”提出一个过去的观念,然后解释道“pharmakon,meaning ‘purification through purging’”,所以pharmakon是用来举例说明上述观点的,故选D。 [知识拓展]在“pharmakon,meaning ‘purification through purging’”表述中,purification ...
for meaning for means for most engineering for mothers for my groupi for my lovely mammie for my own control for myself included for nature hates virg for nervous exhaustio for new application for nine golds for old friends gaohu for on account of the for one moment for one shining momen...
rough edgesCharacteristics or manners indicating a lack of polish, refinement, or completion. Use ofroughmeaning ‘lacking in culture or refinement’ dates from at least the time of Shakespeare. It is difficult to pinpoint exactly whenedges, probably originally referring to the edges of sawed lumbe...
The meaning of GRIST TO ONE'S/THE MILL is something that can be used for a particular purpose. How to use grist to one's/the mill in a sentence.
meander ramble meaning-referring meaning analysis meaning and function meaning explanation meaning extension meaningful meaningfully meaningfulness meaning function meaning idea hint int meaningless meaninglessly meaninglessness meaningless pointless meaning of the gramma meaning ontology meanings meanings significatio...
The meaning of COUNTER is a piece (as of metal or plastic) used in reckoning or in games. How to use counter in a sentence.
Code Range the range of hexadecimal codes identifying this instruction and its variants Flags an explanation of the meaning of a bracketed binary number From IS any arguments taken from the instruction stream by push instructions Pops any arguments popped from the stack Pushes any arguments pushed on...
In this context, the synchronized firing rate among cells, a reflection of cell-assembly coding, should take part in the learning processes and the assignment of the meaning of an instruction stimulus (IS). The prefrontal cortex (PF) is important in goal selection, maintenance and monitoring11,...
f.To prescribe the unfolding of (a drama or narrative, for instance) in a specific place:a play that is set in Venice. 11. a.To value or regard something at the rate of:She sets a great deal by good nutrition. b.To fix at a given amount:The judge set bail for the defendant at...
It is part of the extended model rather than the core model. Both types of identifiers, by definition, MUST be unique within their scope: The scope for the private identifiers is a local implementation context. They carry no meaning outside of an implementation. The scope for public ...