Jason: Na. I got lots of marshmallows. Maggie: Remember what a terrible time we had the last time we went camping? Jason: We had a great time. Maggie: No no no. I'm talking about when Ben and Mike and Carol were babies and Mike had diarrhea and it rained and everything got all...
Well, in a way they are. The wordinsectcomes from the Latin wordinsectum,meaning "cut up or divided into segments." (The plural ofinsectum,namelyinsecta,is used by scientists as the name of the taxonomic class that insects belong to.) This Latin word was created in order to translate ...
in the middle of; among.Amid all the confusion, the real point of the meeting was lost;amidst the shadows.en medio de,entre Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd. Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, ...
Maggie: This one was going to be really good. Jason: You know something Maggie? I think that you just need a little bit of a break. Stab at it. What do you think? Maggie: I'm in an airport, on an airplane in coach section. Jason: You couldn't be more wrong. Maggie: Jason. ...
Of course this will be embraced or refuted according to your personal beliefs. Irrespective it should be of interest even if it is to review another perspective of life. If you have read or propose reading the books then the chances are that you too ponder life’s meaning and purpose. So...
The meaning of SPILL is to cause or allow especially accidentally or unintentionally to fall, flow, or run out so as to be lost or wasted. How to use spill in a sentence.
The meaning of ON THE PHONE is using a telephone to talk to someone. How to use on the phone in a sentence.
When Maggie was gone to sleep, Stephen, weary too with his unaccustomed amount of rowing, and with the intense inward life of the last twelve hours, but too restless to sleep, walked and lounged about the deck with his cigar far on into midnight, not seeing the dark water, hardl...