Does life really matter? What am I supposed to do with my life? It is worthwhile to seek answers to these critical questions. Among the variety of possible answers to “What is the meaning of life?” are love, happiness, knowledge and wisdom, peace, there is no meaning, doing good, ...
Of course, a lot of things are still subjective, such as what does increasing existence mean? or How exactly do we define existence? The answers to these questions determine how people perceive life and how they live it.If you feel that this post has been of value to you, please leave ...
I can’t tell, for one answers any questions based on their own experience. In the worst scenario, God is just a conception created collectively by all believers (which is quite likely), but not the real divine creator. Nevertheless, God and the Holy spirit still stands for the ultimate p...
why I’m here and what is the meaning of life are examples of questions that I ask myself almost once a day. It might sound like I’m a philosopher figuring out the universe, but I often feel like a prisoner to my own mind. I had a moment in my life where I thought I lost al...
I pepper him with questions:What’s your profit margin on this item?How many of these do you have to sell before you can restock?How are you tracking your expenses? He answers them all. So I ask another, one I’m sure he doesn’t know the answer to. After reading hundreds of busin...
article in this, The Book of Real Answers to Everything!, with the complete account provided in the freely-available, online book Freedom: Expanded Book 1.) The second reason the savage-instincts-in-us excuse can’t possibly be the real explanation for our divisive, selfish and aggressive be...
I could go on ,as the ‘’love’’ message runs throughout just about every religion and form of native belief system. Another question people often seem to seek in the spiritual life is the search for answers to two existential questions ;’’Who am i’’and ‘’Why am i’’ Gandhi ...
This essay answers the question of the meaning of life. It does so from the perspective of pastoral theology by turning to a children's story: William Joyce's award-winning The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore. After the introduction, this essay has two basic parts. The first...
But let’s return to that notion of cold calls for a moment. Let’s imagine this was a baccalaureate service in the form of Q&A, and you were asking the questions. “What is the meaning of life, President Faust? What were these four years at Harvard for? President Faust, you have ...
He concludes that “A life will be meaningful if it finds responses to the four questions of purpose, value, efficacy, and self-worth. It is these questions, not the answers, that endure and unify.” How do you answer the question, “What is the Point of Life?” ...