identityprofessionalretirementwomenworkThrough this study we sought to understand the complex experience of retirement and the meaning of identity for women who recently retired from a professional career. Through the use of qualitative methods, including photo elicitation, journaling, and a series of ...
The debate over the meaning of corporate identity has gradually witnessed a shift from the search for a universal definition to an attempt to create a deeper understanding of its meaning. Reflecting this shift are a number of social theory models compartmentalising and describing common assumptions ...
Otubanjo, OlutayoOtubanjo, O. 2012a. The meaning of corporate identity: A structuralist and semiotic insight. Available: (Accessed 10 October 2015).
Mental Nations: The Identity of Meaning in Iain Sinclair's Lights out for the Territory 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 35 作者: 黃寶儀(Pao-I Hwang) 摘要: 國家身分(nationhood)的概念有賴同盟,權力與時代三者的協議.又,依據班納迪克.安德森的說法,這些勢力曾交匯於三處核心,分別是:(一)...
This paper explores why people identify with social groups and what this identification signifies for their sense of self, status in society and intergroup conflict. We describe various theories of social identity to elucidate ways in which individuals can negotiate their different social identities, an...
People are looking deeper for a sense of identity that can’t be derived 获得 得到only from material product purchases. 人们越来越多的通过创建联系、记忆和体验来找到满足感和目标感。 人们正在寻找不能仅从购买物质产品来获得的更深层次的认同感。 What is meaning? Meaning is what gives us a sense ...
Subcultures are the core of the alternative cultural life; they represent particular enclaves in which identities are shaped. The author postulates, explains and defines the subcultural identity as a special kind of identity, based on the meaning of style. For that purpose, he constructs the triad...
①Being phrases or sentences, idioms each consist of more than one word, but each is a semantic unity. Though the various words which make up the idiom have their respective literal meanings, in the idiom they have lost their individual identity.②Quite often the idiom functions as one word...
The transitiveness of identity is either an “idealization of experience” under conditions of “decreasing accuracy” or an abstraction that expands upon experience and “creates” a new meaning of identity, other than indiscernibility. Indiscernibility is guaranteed by identity only in the domain ...
1.a peculiarity of pronunciation, usage, or behavior that distinguishes a particular group. 2.a slogan; catchword. 3.a common saying or belief with little current meaning or truth. [< Hebrewshibbōlethliterally, freshet, a word used by the Gileadites as a test to detect the fleeing Ephraim...