[C17: from Frenchsérénade,from Italianserenata,fromserenopeaceful, from Latinserēnuscalm; also influenced in meaning by Italianseraevening, from Latinsēruslate] ˌsereˈnadern Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998,...
"These hieroglyphics have evidently a meaning. If it is a purely arbitrary one, it may be impossible for us to solve it. If, on the other hand, it is systematic, I have no doubt that we shall get to the bottom of it. But this particular sample is so short that I can d...
the state or condition of a letter, word, or symbol having the same sound as another but a different meaning, regardless of sameness or difference in spelling, as choirlquire. — homophonic, homophonous, adj. kaleidophon, kaleidophone ...
On glancing over my notes of the seventy odd cases in which I have during the last eight years studied the methods of my friend Sherlock Holmes, I find many tragic, some comic, a large number merely strange, but none commonplace; for, working as he did rather for the love of his art ...
It is known that if a message is written with lemon juice on a clean sheet of paper there will be no sign of it. But if the paper is held for a moment to the fire then the letters turn brown and the meaning becomes clear. Imagine that the whisky is the fire and that the message...
For what could be the meaning of the queer clay bas-relief and the disjointed jottings, ramblings, and cuttings which I found? Had my uncle, in his latter years become credulous of the most superficial impostures? I resolved to search out the eccentric sculptor responsible for this apparent ...
In the morning we'll let the non-Party fellows go; the rest of us will stay. Here's the Guberni a Committee decision, " he said, handing Pankratov a folded sheet of paper.1.What's the meaning of the underlined word?2. What can we learn about the work Pavel was doing?3. What ...
From Latin, meaning "and all this/that sort of thing," used to allude to or include other similar things without naming them directly.The government has promised to crack down on the top companies in the world—Bike Roh Soft, Floogle, Slamazon, et hoc genus omne—for their failure to ...
"Eras mucho caballo," he said, meaning,"Thou wert plenty of horse." El Sordo lay now on his good side and looked up at the sky. He was lying on a heap of empty cartridge hulls but his head was protected by the rock and his body lay in the lee of the horse. His wou...
My Remnant Church, the remaining tendrils of My Catholic Church on earth will understand the true meaning of My Era of Peace on earth. You are in the end times but the earth will be renewed. I call out to all of you, My sacred servants. My voice is hoarse as I beg you to respond...