Von Unger H, Collins PY (2005) Transforming the meaning of HIV/AIDS in recovery from substance use: A qualitative study of HIV-positive women in New York . Health Care Women Int 26 : 308-324. 10.1080/07399330590925835 PubMed: 16019998...
HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS Administration HIV/AIDS Alliance for Region Two, Inc. HIV/AIDS and Development Unit HIV/AIDS and Gender HIV/AIDS and STD HIV/AIDS Association of Zambia HIV/AIDS Bureau HIV/AIDS Case Management HIV/AIDS Community Care Program HIV/AIDS hypothesis HIV/AIDS hypothesis HIV/AIDS ...
HIV,全称Human Immunodeficiency Virus,是一种攻击人体免疫系统的病毒,而AIDS,即Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome,是HIV感染发展到后期的阶段,表现为严重免疫缺陷和多种机会性感染及肿瘤的发生。通过深入了解HIV/AIDS的英文表述及其背后的科学原理,我们可以更好地打破围绕这一疾病的污名化,增强公众意识,共同推动防治工作...
AIDS has challenged several aspects of contemporary social life and conventional approaches to health care. The social and medical responses to diseases have probably not been challenged so intensely for a long time. One social response to HIV/AIDS that has received much attention is the counselling...
Most people believe that the origin of HIV, the AIDS virus, derives from some natural evolutionary event. Key among these HIV origin theories is the so called “cut hunter theory” in which a human, allegedly African native, received a bloody wound or in
HIV/AIDS stigma is a common thread in the narratives of pregnant women affected by HIV/AIDS globally and may be associated with refusal of HIV testing. We conducted a cross-sectional study of women attending antenatal clinics in Kenya (N=1525). Women completed an interview with measures of HI...
1991: The red ribbon became the symbol of HIV/AIDS support and awareness. Basketball player Magic Johnson told the public he had HIV. 1996: Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) hit the market, boosting the life expectancy of someone with HIV by 15 years. ...
1 Less than 3 months later, the United Nations Security Council affirmed Resolution 1308, which delineated the dangers that HIV/AIDS posed to the "maintenance of international peace and security."2 Most recently, at the 14th International AIDS Conference in July 2002, UNAIDS Executive Director ...
Teachers are considered as a high-risk group with respect to HIV/AIDS particularly in high prevalence countries where the epidemic has devastating impact on the teaching profession OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to examine the trends of mortality among primary and secondary school teachers in...
December 1, 2021 is the 34st "World AIDS Day". The theme of China's publicity activities is "Consolidate social forces, jointly fight against AIDS" . 01 What is AIDS? 艾滋病又称为获得性免疫缺陷综合征,缩写为AIDS。该...