ben·e·fac·tion (bĕn′ə-făk′shən, bĕn′ə-făk′-) n. 1.The act of conferring aid of some sort. 2.A charitable gift or deed. [Late Latinbenefactiō, benefactiōn-, from Latinbenefactus, past participle ofbenefacere,to do a service:bene,well; seedeu-inIndo-Europea...
Define malefactor. malefactor synonyms, malefactor pronunciation, malefactor translation, English dictionary definition of malefactor. n. 1. One who has committed a crime; a criminal. 2. A wrongdoer or evildoer. mal′e·fac′tion n. American Heritage®
The meaning of FACE is the front part of the head that in humans extends from the forehead to the chin and includes the mouth, nose, cheeks, and eyes. How to use face in a sentence.
b : the corresponding part of the head of a lower animal 2 : surface especially : a front, upper, or outer surface Legal Definition face noun 1 a : outward appearance b : the surface or superficial reading or meaning of something (as a document or statute) that does not take...
The meaning of DP is intuitive only to a superficial analysis. For example, one may at first think that removing the sensitive attribute from the decision making process is enough to guarantee independence and thus demographic parity. In general, this is not the case. Take the credit lending ...
In fact,the words "person"and"personality"come from the Latin persona,meaning"mask".Today,most television and movie actors do not wear masks. 39 A. If you were asked to describe what a"nice face"looked like, you probably would have a difficult time doing so. B. But we can easily ...
These digital distractions cause people to respond to twice as many devices with half of our attention- a process labeled semi-tasking’ -meaning getting twice as much done and half as well. We now check our phones an average of 96 times a day – that is once every 10 minutes and an ...
The True Meaning Of Life 生命的真谛 The Years have passed by 业已经年 In the blink of an eye 转眼之间 Moments of sadness 喜忧皆去 And joy have flown by 飞逝而已 People I loved 挚爱亲朋 Have come and have gone 来去无常 But ...
The term “facies” is also taken to mean beds whose composition and physicogeographical conditions of formation differ from those of neighboring beds of the same stratigraphic interval, which may vary in areal extent. This meaning has been used by N. S. Shatskii (1955), G. F. Krasheninnik...
The relational response suggests altering the relationships that define “risk” to reduce its unequal distribution across the population. This entails interrogating the meaning and distribution of risk as a factor that informs pretrial detention decisions. By recognizing that empirical racial disparities ...