Again this aligns Austin's primary referent with a different word of medieval origin, meaning not only to lighten a burden but also, as the OED has it, "the shedding or shining of light; suffusion with light, lighting up; enlightenment, illumination." Austin is no poet, though he is ...
such as telephone, telegraph and other business activities are called e-commerce; refers to the enterprise use of Internet, Extranet, Intranet interconnection environment and special network environment, following the general principle of EDI, which cover almost all the economic activities of the ...
Extramission extramundane extramural extramusical extranean extraneity extraneous extraneousness extranet extranuclear extraocular Extra-ocular extraocular muscle Extra-official extraordinaire extraordinaries extraordinarily extraordinariness extraordinary ▼
环境保护税从税收杠杆入手,企业多排污就多缴税:企业履行环保责任,减少污染物排放,就可以少缴税,享受税收减免。此举有利于 ①提高纳税人环保意识,强化企业治污减排责任 ②降低企业排污成本,增加国家财政收入 ③促进经济结构调整,转变经济发展方式 ④实施稳健的货币政策,发挥税收杠杆的调控作用 ...
ausers can access an extranet only if they have a valid username and password, and their identity determines which parts of the extranet they can view. extranet are becoming a very popular means for business partners to exchange information. 用户能访问企业间网路,只有当他们有一个合法的用户名和...
(3)The original meaning of portal was a Web "supersite" that provides search, news, blogs, discussion groups and shopping. General-purpose portals such as Yahoo!, MSN and AOL also offer free email, while TV network and newspaper portals do not. Some portals allow the home page to be per...
3月3日,摩根·凯莉,玛丽亚·凯莉的哥哥向纽约基层法院提起诉讼,他认为玛丽亚的传记《TheMeaning of Mariah Carey》中包含不实信息,还诬蔑他的人格。他因此将妹妹、合作作者MichaelaAngela Davis和麦克米兰出版集团告上法庭。 起诉书说对于妹妹的背叛和恶意的谎言,他除了生... (展开) 0回应 > 更多书评 6篇 读...
any such virtual content cannot be traded outside of a game and as a result obtain real money in exchange, thus no cash is actually earned even indirectly. Furthermore, one may argue that such a virtual content may not be considered as a material prize within the meaning ...
感谢牛姐(Mariah Carey)让我读完了除了英语课本以外的第一本英语书 --‘The Meaning of Mariah Carey’。让我这个将近25年的粉丝完成了读原版书的愿望,哈哈哈。 这不是一篇读后感,不是书评(Who dares to make comment on this Memoir haha~~),也不是介绍,只是想趁着热... (展开) ...
“The Gay ’90s,” for example, had a different meaning when it was coined a century ago than it may have today. Times change and frequently the meaning of words must change with them. The Internet fosters a compression of time, and, with Internet concepts changing more quickly than the ...