feeling- the experiencing of affective and emotional states; "she had a feeling of euphoria"; "he had terrible feelings of guilt"; "I disliked him and the feeling was mutual" ambition,aspiration,dream- a cherished desire; "his ambition is to own his own business" ...
a combining form meaning “bearer of,”“thing or part bearing” that specified by the initial element:gonophore. [< New Latin-phorus< Greek-phorosbearing, derivative ofphérein;seebear1] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, ...
Meaning: A feeling of intense happiness and well-being.Notes: Today's word comes with two derivations: the adjective is euphoric. A drug inducing euphoria is a euphoriant. Just remember the [f] sound is spelled here PH and the [yu] sound is spelled EU. ...
She is said to have been born in 273 CE in Nicomedia (now known as Izmit) close to Constantinople and known as Barbara because she was in Roman terms a ‘barbarian’, simply meaning a non-Roman. The legends of her origin and history are varied and confusing and this has detracted from ...
This is the essence of themanicdefense, which consists in preventing feelings of helplessness and despair from entering the conscious mind by occupying it with opposite feelings of euphoria, purposeful activity, and omnipotent control. Boredom is so unpleasant that we expend considerable resources on ...
Three methodological considerations guide my inquiry. First, I do not want to get carried away in the euphoria of modularity or make normative claims about its practical utility for information historians or other information professionals. Instead, my primary goal is to explore the history of speci...
there is no guarantee thatthe otherto whom we are issuing this invitation will be gentle, or even give our belly a rub at all. The ultimate effect of harsh treatment, or simply being ignored of course is that those signs that had previously been a source of euphoria now stab at us wher...
dishing out EDM euphoria to the masses. But “Three Drums,” released three days after the Coachella gig, has him back in classic mode. Stately and tranquil for its entire eight-minute run, it’s better suited for the ocean floor than the dancefloor. Turns out the same things that make ...
the waves of reality begin to separate them. They fall out of love, and at that point either they withdraw, separate, divorce, and set off in search of a new in-love experience, or they begin the hard work of learning to love each other without the euphoria of the in-love obsession....
When two people share these feelings together, they canexperience a shared euphorialike almost no other experience available to humankind.But when only one person feels this obsessive-compulsive form of passionate love – or when one person stops feeling it while the other still feels it – it ...