The Meaning of Ethics 来自 ResearchGate 喜欢 0 阅读量: 31 作者: RB Gunderman 摘要: LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Define ethics. 2. Describe the essential role ethics plays in the contemporary practice of radiology. 3. Devise strategies to enhance ethical awareness within their organizations. ABSTRACT ...
The meaning of ethics and ethical dilemmas in social work practice: A qualitative study of Greek social workersDimitra Giannou
Ethics is the branch of philosophy that studies the nature of action, striving to answer the question of which actions to undertake and which to avoid. In business, the premise of ethical responsibility is that, because businesses are agents that carry out actions that affect the world around ...
Ethicsare moral beliefs and rules about right and wrong. When you useethicswith this meaning, it is a plural noun. You use a plural form of a verb with it. Such action was a violation of medicalethics. Ethicsis also the study of questions about what is morally right or wrong. Whenethi...
Ethicsare moral beliefs and rules about right and wrong. When you useethicswith this meaning, it is a plural noun. You use a plural form of a verb with it. Such action was a violation of medicalethics. Ethicsis also the study of questions about what is morally right or wrong. Whenethi...
Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy is widely acknowledged to be Bernard Williams' most important book and a contemporary classic of moral philosophy. Delivering a sustained critique of moral theory from Kant onward, Williams reorients ethical theory towards "truth, truthfulness and the meaning of an...
(3)经验原则(rules of thumb)阅读规则有仔细盯住文本中关键术语和概念的使用及其含义的潜在变化(如马基雅维利的“德性”)【477】(it is an important rule of esoteric reading to carefully follow the usage and potentially changing meaning of key terms and concepts in the text. pp.309.)警惕独特之处(...
which he viewed as moral faculties of the individual, his system already incorporated many of the “eternal questions” of ethics—for example, the nature and source of morality, freedom of the will, the foundations of the moral act, justice, and the meaning of life and of the highest good...
doi:10.1080/10971467.2003.11040593YANGHUILINInformaworldContemporary Chinese Thought
Ethicsis also the study of questions about what is morally right or wrong. Whenethicshas this meaning, it is an uncount noun. You use a singular form of a verb with it. We are only too ready to believe thatethicsisa field where thinking does no good. ...