Define fondling. fondling synonyms, fondling pronunciation, fondling translation, English dictionary definition of fondling. v. fon·dled , fon·dling , fon·dles v. tr. 1. To handle, stroke, or touch lovingly. See Synonyms at caress. 2. To handle, strok
probability of her being permanently fixed there; of her being taught only what very limited means could command, and growing up with no advantages of connexion or improvement, to be engrafted on what nature had given her in a pleasing person, good understanding, and warmhearted, wellmeaning ...
As a last precautionary step, he had resolved to come to New York, and obtain the opinion of the 'learned' about the meaning of the paper which he brought with him, and which had been given him as a part of the contents of the book. The paper in question was, in fact a ...
000 worth of tallies at par and £200,000 in bank notes. This new stock was said to be "engrafted". The government promised not only to pay the Bank interest on the tallies subscribed but to redeem them over a period of years. The "engrafted" stock was then cancelled simultaneously ...
“The mystery of Easter, the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ, points to the essential meaning of history, the victory of life over death. Catholic Christianity is a religion of life, not only eternal life, but life right now, not death. The Resurrection is the triumph of love over hate...
Why did the Greeks give it a separate deity, and own brother of Jove? Surely all this is not without meaning. And still deeper the meaning of that story of Narcissus, who because he could not grasp the tormenting, mild image he saw in the fountain, plunged into it and was drowned. ...
"allow themselves to bring in here and there changes, which were not simple verbal ones, but materially affected the meaning" or why they "did not shrink from cutting out a passage or inserting one." Fig. 1 14,800 "corrections" to only one Biblical manuscript ...
future— (and if you’re a Christian, that’s exactly what has happened), if you’re going to live forever (and you are), and if you’ve discovered that the meaning of life isn’t what you do but who you are (a beloved child of God), how are you going to take advantage of ...
It is clear from the actual type and the underlying grammar that the meaning of the koin- root word here does not mean a sharing with the altar and the sacrifices that come from it. The Levites did not contribute to the sacrifices or their suffering in any way — they ate of them ... incorporate in a firm or permanent way; implant:they engrafted their principles into the document. ˌengrafˈtation,ˌingrafˈtation,enˈgraftment,inˈgraftmentn Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998,...