The results support the hypothesis that the large values of time of reading the fragment, occasionally met in the relatively fast dynamic profile were associated with the process of sense generation that goes hand in hand with the perception of the meaning of the separate words. The factors ... translate a speaker's words, while he is speaking, into the language of his hearers.He spoke to the audience in French and she interpreted.interpretar, hacer una interpretación explain the meaning of.How do you interpret these lines of the poem?interpretar ...
Define dynamic equilibrium. dynamic equilibrium synonyms, dynamic equilibrium pronunciation, dynamic equilibrium translation, English dictionary definition of dynamic equilibrium. n. pl. e·qui·lib·ri·ums or e·qui·lib·ri·a 1. A condition in which
Human emotions fluctuate over time. However, it is unclear how these shifting emotional states influence the organization of episodic memory. Here, we examine how emotion dynamics transform experiences into memorable events. Using custom musical pieces a
strengthening the ecological barrier in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, and shaping the beautiful form of a park city; eighth, highlighting Chengdu’s status as one of the most dynamic and happiest cities in China, improving people’s well-being...
Note that the physical meaning of the growth factor is similar to the ci of the original model, in that both measure the pace at which each node decays towards its steady state. The dynamics of this extended model easily incorporates nodes that relax to their stable state at different speeds...
My ponderings most often occur on paper. Sometimes I journal through the meaning of a passage; other times I might compose a prayer in response to what I’ve read. Writing slows and augments my thinking. As I record impressions and prayers, new discoveries have a chance to surface, truths...
The meaning dynamicsin brief, is the analysis of intricate behaviour of objects within three measurements,paraphrasing help onlinenon-linear, and oscillatory. As a introductory physics course, it might include materials such as strain, tension, strain energy, stress-strain relationships, force, and mo...
Adam has been recognized by Forbes as one of the world’s 10 most influential business thinkers and is a leading expert on helping people find meaning and motivation in their lives. In his latest book, Think Again: The Power of Knowing What you Don’t Know, he makes the case for greater...
JIT access (just in time)– The JIT access to sandbox database will allow the user to get temporary access to the database, meaning that they have around eight hours to access with a dynamic user and password. This is to limit the access to the database, and us...