What is meaning of orgiastic? 1 :of, relating to, or marked by orgies. 2 : characterized by unrestrained emotion : frenzied. How do you make a Perdurable Tomestone? In order to obtain the 480 weapon, you need an item called the Perdurable Tomestone. And in order to get it, you'll...
解析 The underlined word "durable" means 耐用 (nài yòng) in Chinese. The question asks for the Chinese meaning of the word "durable". "Durable" means something that lasts a long time and can withstand wear and tear. The closest equivalent in Chinese is 耐用 (nài yòng)....
I hope you are all aiming at the solid, durable satisfactions of life, not primarily the gratifications of this moment or of to-morrow, but the satisfactions that are going to last and grow. So far as I have seen...
1.The word "durable" in the passage is closest in meaning to A. readily available B. long lasting C. dense D. flexible 你的答案: 正确答案:B 题目解析: 登录后才能查看题目解析,还没有账号?马上注册 本文生词0 显示文中生词 登录后才能收藏生词哦,现在登录注册>...
between a smooth, closely shaven skin and a serious cut. However, one meaning ofshaveis ‘a slight or grazing touch’ (OED); therefore, the expressionscloseornear shavecan be taken literally as well. This literal meaning might well have spawned the figurative meanings ofclose shavecommon today...
castingdurablemetal molds to represent the letters of the alphabet. The letters were arranged to represent the text on a page and then pressed in ink against a sheet of paper. The imprint could be repeated numerous times with only a small amount of human labor. In 1467 two German printers ...
the meaning of christ the meaning of what h the measurable system the measurement of li the measurement theor the meat offering and the meat tastes delic the mechanism analysi the mechanism and par the mechanism of reco the mechanisms of nom the mechanisms for ri the medical collegeof the medi...
l newcastle universit l a zadeh l beck l circular of the sta l contextual meaning l decision of the sta l e c l ella ello usted l eo l ow earth orbit l errorbadvalidationc l errorcommitmentlimi l errorluidsexhausted l errorservicedepende l forth l hypothesis l knew l layer l level...
duplicitous- marked by deliberate deceptiveness especially by pretending one set of feelings and acting under the influence of another; "she was a deceitful scheming little thing"- Israel Zangwill; "a double-dealing double agent"; "a double-faced infernal traitor and schemer"- W.M.Thackeray ...
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