The disaster database EM-DAT records only major disasters, meaning that smaller disasters and instances where a flood hazard did not result in a disaster (that is, ‘success stories’) will be missed. The number of fatalities is a relatively straightforward disaster outcome to measure compared ...
Legacy is Magic’s main “eternal” format, meaning one where all cards are legal and it never rotates. Simply put, every set and expansion in Magic’s history is legal for play, with the exception of a list of banned cards. Legacy-Legal Sets Every black-bordered and white-bordered set...
We see a positive reinforcing loop for noncash payments, meaning the increased use of digital payments goes hand in hand with higher use of debit cards, for example, rather than one noncash payment method cannibalizing another (Exhibit 8). This trend shows that it is important for ...
On average, Delaware residents pay $1,542 a year for their car insurance, compared to the national average of $1,311.Meaning that, if you live in Delaware, while you’re paying $0.28 per gallon less than the rest of the nation for your gas, chances are you could be paying around $...
you need smart people working there. The sense of team goals and working toward positive change results in more meaning for individuals. When employees’ work aligns with their team’s and their own sense of purpose, that leads to increased retention. Interestingly, the UK has a database track...
Proponents of progressive income taxation systems argue that they ensure that those with the broadest shoulders bear the greatest burden. Flat-tax regimes result in those on lower incomes losing a greater proportion of their disposable income, due in part to the fact that they have to pay the ...
Since early last year, the FOMC has significantly tightened the stance of monetary policy. We have raised our policy interest rate by five and a quarter percentage points and have continued to reduce our securities holdings at a brisk pace. The stance of policy is restrictive, meaning that tigh...
mystique - an aura of heightened value or interest or meaning surrounding a person or thing note - a characteristic emotional quality; "it ended on a sour note"; "there was a note of gaiety in her manner"; "he detected a note of sarcasm" vibe, vibration - a distinctive emotional aura ...
($1.47 trillion on durable goods, and $2.96 trillion on non-durable goods). In addition, consumers forked over $368 billion in interest. All these are “seasonally adjusted annual rates” – meaning if consumers go at April’s pace for the whole year, these would be the totals for the ...
Mining Marketing Meaning from Online Chatter: Strategic Brand Analysis of Big Data Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation Journal of Marketing Research, 51 (August) (2014), pp. 463-479 Google Scholar Toubia and Stephen, 2013 Olivier Toubia, Andrew T. Stephen Intrinsic vs. Image- Related Utility in So...