1.A reference work containing an alphabetical list of words, with information given for each word, usually including meaning, pronunciation, and etymology. 2.A reference work containing an alphabetical list of words in one language with their translations in another language. ...
(L6, P11) ab-(from) dictate (give orders) 放弃权力,让位,辞职 prefix ab-: from, away from, off Guess the meaning of the following words. abduct, abnormal, abstain Keys abduct=ab-(away)+duct(to lead)绑架,诱拐 abnormal=ab-(away from)+norm(rule)+-al(形容词字尾)变态的,不正常的 ...
mean/mi:n/a.平均的n.平均值 meaning/‘mi:niŋ/n.意义,意思;意图 means/mi:nz/n.方法,手段,工具 meantime/‘mi:n’taim/n.其时,其间ad.当时 meanwhile/‘mi:n’wail/ad.同时,当时 measure/‘meʒə/vt.量,测量n.分量 measurement/‘meʒəmənt/n.衡量,测量;尺寸 meat/mi:t/n.肉 ...
(L6, P11) ab-(from)dictate (give orders) 放弃权力,让位,辞职 prefix ab-: from, away from, off Guess the meaning of the following words. abduct, abnormal, abstain Keys abduct=ab-(away)+duct(to lead)绑架,诱拐 abnormal=ab-(away from)+norm(rule)+-al(形 容词字尾)变态的,不 20、正常...
define- give a definition for the meaning of a word; "Define `sadness'" 5. determine- reach, make, or come to a decision about something; "We finally decided after lengthy deliberations" decide,make up one's mind measure,measure out,mensurate- determine the measurements of something or som...
The characteristic quality or timbre of a particular instrument or voice. Tone The pitch of a word used to determine its meaning or to distinguish differences in meaning. Tone The particular or relative pitch of a word, phrase, or sentence. Tone Manner of expression in speech or writing Took...
Code --- Metalinguistic 元语言学功能 The addresser uses language to make clear the meaning of language itself. Three macrofunctions 宏观功能 (M. A. K. Halliday) The ideational function 概念功能– organize the speaker or writer’s experience of the real or imaginary world. (e.g. descriptive...
From a biological standpoint, life's meaning can be seen as the continuation and propagation of one's genetic material. Evolutionary principles dictate the drive for survival and reproduction, making the perpetuation of life a fundamental aspect of the natural world. However, this biological ...
As in the cases of the Religious Freedom Restoration Acts of the American States, as well as in the courts that gave a deeply more conservative and exclusionary meaning to the right to religious freedom in the USA, also in Brazil, the understanding of the meaning of this right carries, in...
8. What is the meaning of the missing word XXXX in the text? A. "something that is poor quality" B. "an item that is not essential, something extra" C. "something expensive but good value for money" D. "a fashion which always remains popular" ...