meaning may have been "one standing with the legs planted firmly apart." Whatever its origin,diabētēsbecame the standard name for the disease in Greek and medieval medical Latin.Diabetesis first attested in English around 1425 in the spellingdiabete,found in a Middle English translation of a ...
Define Diabolos. Diabolos synonyms, Diabolos pronunciation, Diabolos translation, English dictionary definition of Diabolos. n , pl -los 1. a game in which one throws and catches a spinning top on a cord fastened to two sticks held in the hands 2. the to
“To drive this point home, the very next verse of the Bible has Mary uttering these words confirming the thought: ‘They’ve taken the Lord out of the tomb’ (John 20:2 CSB). “So yes, there’s a secondary meaning in addition to the physical one of merely seeing a solid rock remo...
Zen Koan. That means that seekers meet the oracle wheretheyare at. The message received is a direct reflection of the recipient's level of consciousness. Fortunately, since most of us continue to evolve and thereby expand our understanding: that same message may carry a profounder meaning in ...
“The animal appears in relation to Man or to God … making an intervention in texts according to differing modalities as an instrument of meaning.” All translations mine unless otherwise stated. See Michel Zink, “Le monde animal et ses représentations dans la littérature française du moyen...
The story’s third meaning is in its foreshadowing of the foot-washing, when Jesus, on the night before he died, knelt at the feet of his friends to perform the work of a servant, surrendering his power for love’s sake. He was teaching by showing:This is how we must be with one ...
so to the extent that anyone watched SJ play its best game of the year, no one did. Even I was flipping back and forth. On the bright side the win has resulted in many Johnny fans crawling off the ledge, meaning their disappointment will be that much more acute when the inevitable hap...
[12]Read Daniel 2 and Daniel 7. For a brief explanation of Daniel 7, see also Tyler Robbins, “Understanding Daniel 7: The Vision and its Meaning.” 15 October 2024. ...
In addition, the Bible tells us that the group that left Egypt was a“mixed multitude”(Exodus 12:38), meaning there were some Egyptians and other nationalities among them. After the forty years, they were brought into the pagan land of Canaan, where (against God’s express command) they...
He is able to peer into ones True Stats, meaning he can know one's exact Strength, Durability, Speed, Etc. This essentially means if one's stats were hidden by, fore say, glitches or by infinite, he can see the true numbers. Omni-Unlock The ability to bound someone to one plane...