Theme of Professor Gerhart Niemeyer's analysis of Communism; Explanation of the Elder Zosima, who is the anti-Inquisitor, on the true power of transcendent goodness; Problems in self-salvation.HenrySt.MichaelSt.EBSCO_AspModern Age
Reveals that the twentieth century provided abundant evidence of mere humanity's potential for disorder and destruction in the aggressive totalitarian despotisms whose assumption of the divine prerogative of abolishing evil served only to produce much more evil. Theme of Professor Gerhart Niemeyer's anal...
As he indicated from the Gospel, demonic forces seek out nihilistic vacuums amid manmade chiliastic-utopian intents, even in what may seem the best of American cultural traditions in old shallow Protestant-based civil religion. The house swept clean becomes a place to which the demons return in...
*We interact with 3D people that have no meaning behind their words, people that do not follow through with what they said they would do (the empty promises and words of superficialism. materialism and bs), *We see those manipulating over and over again to gain a position of strategic adv...
He then went on about all this personal demonic stuff. I was saying, “Come on. We can go across there and then inside there in that room. There is that room where nobody goes into. We can go in there.” So finally, we did go across the way. This was after Jorge had been in...
Meaning of Avatar Avatar in Sanskrit means appearance, manifestation, descent, materialization, or outgrowth. An associated word is avataranam, which means descent or descending into water for bathing, coming down, crossing, translation or metamorphosis. It is also a reference to a holy place, or...
consequences of losing that war 26,000 years ago, all around us in the form of human trafficking, consciousness slavery, world poverty and child sacrifice, the dark encroachment of a prison planet. Red Skies level of strategic operations has been going on for a very long time. These are ...
This Christmastide, I’ve been re-reading Charles Williams’ “supernatural thriller,”War in Heaven, in which several malevolent individuals invoke demonic forces, not only to gain power but also for the perverse pleasure of destroying whatever is true and good. Their chief nemesis is an Anglica...
(genii) class of demon assuming animal/human form. [Arab. Myth.: Benét, 13, 521]Old Bogy nursery fiend invoked to frighten children. [Br. Folklore: Wheeler, 265]succubus demon in the form of a woman. [Western Folklore: Briggs, 232]whale former symbol of demonic evil. [Animal Symbolism...