[before 900; Middle English; Old Englishgemǣd(e)d,past participle of*gemǣdanto make mad, akin togemādmad, foolishmei-1] usage:madhas been used in the meaning “enraged, angry” since 1300. Because this sense is sometimes criticized,madis often replaced byangryin formal contexts:The ...
22. dizzy; slightly delirious. 23. (of soldiers) lightly armed or equipped: light cavalry. 24. having little or no cargo, encumbrance, or the like; not burdened: a light freighter. 25. adapted by small weight or slight build for small loads or swift movement: a light truck. 26. usin...
'He's either mad or delirious,' murmured Rogojin. At last he began. For the first five minutes the reader's voice continued to tremble, and he read disconnectedly and unevenly; but gradually his voice strengthened. Occasionally a violent fit of coughing stopped him, but his a...
That he always HAD felt this he was ready to swear, although he was half delirious at the moment. If he had tried to forget her, all this time, it was simply because he was afraid of her. Did he love the woman or hate her? This question he did not once ask himself...
This isn't a review. This is just a quick summary of the negative remarks that I have. There are many strenghts to Philip K. Dick's story, but other reviewers will tell you about them. Do not read further if you haven't gone through and finished the book yourself. The book is a...
However, he also concluded that “at trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.” He found that “it would be difficult to convince a jury that they should convict ...
Most of these have yet to develop algorithms for automated interpretation of EEG signals that are robust enough to be used for delirium monitoring in ICU. One exception is the DeltaScan monitor, with fair (69%) sensitivity and fair (69%) specificity, meaning that further improvement is ...
He stopped reading and explained the meaning of the confusing verse. “But Daddy,” said one of his daughters, “if that’s what it means, why doesn’t it say so”[2]? Why not, indeed, thought Ken. That’s when he decided to rewrite certain Bible stories for his ten children. ...
The superintendent of that abode of vice and misery was roused from his dozing watch through the dark hours, by half-delirious wails and moanings, which he reported as arising from intoxication. If he had listened, he would have heard these words, repeated in various forms, but always in ...
But when the evening of this day was come, Smirre's coat hung in loose folds. He was bathed in sweat; his eyes were without lustre; his tongue hung far out from his gaping jaws, and froth oozed from his mouth. In the afternoon, Smirre was so exhausted that he grew delirious. He...