figure out, puzzle out, solve, lick, work out, work - find the solution to (a problem or question) or understand the meaning of; "did you solve the problem?"; "Work out your problems with the boss"; "this unpleasant situation isn't going to work itself out"; "did you get it?"...
1.(Physical Geography) (of the sea, wind, etc) to wear away the bottom or base of (land, cliffs, etc) weaken gradually or insidiously:their insults undermined her confidence. tunnel or dig beneath ˌunderˈminern
An oligarchy of learning, where the educated govern the ignorant, or even an oligarchy of race, where the Saxon rules the African, might be endured; but this oligarchy of sex, which makes father, brothers, husband, sons, the oligarchs over the mother and sisters, the wife and daughters, o...
Over the past few months, I have been intrigued by media reports of the imminent arrival of something called ‘Day Zero’ in the city of Cape Town. The term refers to the day when water in the city’s reservoirs is projected to fall below 13.5% of capacity, as a result of three succ...
It is true that the term "hyperparameter" has a precise meaning in Bayesian machine learning and referring to the learning rate and most of the other parameters we tune in deep learning as "hyperparameters" is an abuse of terminology. We would prefer to use the term "metaparameter" for le...
A distributed representation of a symbol is a vector of features that characterize the meaning of the symbol and are not mutually exclusive (McClelland et al. 1986). Early neural language models were not aimed at learning representations for words. However, it soon turned out that the embedding...
In fact, the term lysosome originated from the Greek words meaning destructive or dissolving body. Structurally they appear as dense spheres or tubes generally less than one micron across, though the size and number are variable depending on the amount of unprocessed cellular debris that has been ...
Increasingly, you’re seeing an interest from policy makers to shift more resources toward these underrepresented groups, making it easier for them to tap into capital opportunities. However, the resources may not always be accessible to the people who need them—by accessible, meaning...
This internalization is required for induction of cell death, meaning that BcCrh1 is a cytoplasmic effector, unlike most other NIPs that are apoplastic. We also found that BcCrh1 forms dimers, which seem to be necessary for the transglycosylase activity, while the monomeric protein is sufficient ...
The very meaning of the blue patches is affected by the presence of the yellow patches (indeed, they are “blue patches in a visual field with yellow patches too”) and thus you need to take into account the experience as a whole to understand the meaning of all of its parts. A very...