Though the topic of consciousness has been with us for centuries, no one until now has been willing or able to develop a systematic and holistic theory of its organization and structure. "The Meaning of Consciousness" begins this task in a unique and entirely original manner, emphasizing the ...
他是多部语言哲学和心灵哲学论著的作者,其中包括《社会实在的构造》(The Construction ofSocial Reality)、《心灵的再发现》(The Rediscovery ofthe Mind)、《心、脑与科学》(Minds,Brains and Science)、《意向性》(Intentionality)、《表达式和意义》(Expression andMeaning)以及《言语行动》(SpeechActs)。
Level of consciousness is a term used to describea person's awareness and understanding of what is happening in his or her surroundings. ... Consciousness is an awake state, when a person is fully aware of his or her surroundings and understands, talks, moves, and responds normally. How do...
The Personal Character of Consciousness.—Mind can be observed and known. But each one can know directly only his own mind, and not another's. You and I may look into each other's face and there guess the meaning that lies back of the smile or frown or flash of the eye, and so re...
What is the noun for conscious? ( self-conscious seemingnervous or unnatural because one is worried about other people's opinions or reactions (因顾虑他人的看法或反应)忸怩的, 不自然的 aware of one's own existence, thoughts and actions (对自己的存在﹑思想和行为)自觉...
Emphasizes and elaborates the origin of consciousness of meaning in the relation of mutual adjustment of social stimulation and response to activities which they mediated. Consciousness of meaning consists mainly in a consciousness of attitude, on the part of the individual; the readiness to respond;...
The fundamental, vital meaning of consciousness and the historical necessity for its emergence consist in ensuring goal-directed activity aimed at transforming the world and subordinating it to the interests of man and society. Consciousness gives man the possibility of accurately reflecting what exists,...
” More evolved, we’re no longer so protective of personal advantages and egotism because our new consciousness informs us that our wellbeing is intimately connected to the wellbeing of all. We connect with the will and the power to do our best. At this point, what philosophers call “...
One perspective on consciousness is that it is a purely physical phenomenon, arising from the complex interactions of neurons in the brain. According to this view, consciousness is simply a byproduct of the brain's activity, with no inherent meaning or purpose. This perspective is often ...
feelings. The command to love is purely impersonal: the prototype of it is loving strangers, not those you desire or admire. It is a practice or way of life, not a state of mind. It has no connection with warm glows or personal intimacies. Is live, then, the meaning of life?