The name Calvary is a transliteration of the Latin word calvaria, as used in the Vulgate version of the Bible. It has the same meaning as the Greek word κρανιον (kranion), namely that of skull (of a human or an animal — hence our English word "cranium"). The Hebrew noun ...
'Cavalry' and 'calvary' differ by a single letter, but one of them you shouldn't send into battle. 'Cavalry' is the word for the mounted horseback unit, while 'calvary' has meanings related to Jesus' crucifixion and also refers to intense suffering.
(1839), from the character NicholasChauvin, soldier of Napoleon's Grand Armee, who idolized Napoleon and the Empire long after it was history, in the Cogniards' popular 1831 vaudeville"La Cocarde Tricolore."The meaning was extended to "excessive belief in the superiority of one's race" in ...
the meaning of art the meat of his own p the medal ribbons tha the mediastinum the medical college o the mediterranean the meeting activity the melody of wind the memorial tourname the memory of aunt the men were quarreli the menu please the merchants bodygua the merchants bureau the mercifu...
theology fell rather unmeaningly on Silas's ears, for there was no word in it that could rouse a memory of what he had known as religion, and his comprehension was quite baffled by the plural pronoun, which was no heresy of Dolly's, but only her way of avoiding a presumptuous ...
Well meaning believers will tell you “YOU MUST go to church” but they are wrong. This is like telling someone who just got out of an abusive marriage “THEY MUST get married again right away”. Think about how ridiculous that sounds! Take a break! God alone is all you need! What ...
“Calvinism: Changing the Meaning of Words to Promote a Theory” By Bob Kirkland The only way Calvinists can support their theory from the Bible is to alter the meaning of Bible words or take them out of context. When a Calvinist teaches “whosoever will,” he means whosoever “God...
The meaning of this expression, “a perfect society”, should be clearly understood, for this characteristic justifies, even on grounds of pure reason, that independence of secular control which the Church has always claimed. A society may be defined as a number of men who unite in a manner...
they shall direct the arrows of their ardent prayers against their enemies to crush or to convert them. It is upon this mountain that they shall learn, even from the lips of Jesus Christ, Who always dwells there, the meaning of His Eight Beatitudes. It is upon this mountain of God that...
ball and chainA wife; one’s girl friend or mistress; any person perceived as a burden or hindrance. This figurative meaning ofball and chainis derived from the iron ball which is secured by a chain to the leg of a prisoner in order to prevent escape. Insofar as having a wife inhibits...