of poor quality, similar to that provided in prison: boob coffee. [from the US colloquial sense of booby hatch meaning jail] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 bo...
The Germanic root of both words is *bōk-, ultimately from an Indo-European root meaning "beech tree." The Old English form of book is bōc, from Germanic *bōk-ō, "written document, book." The Old English form of beech is bēce, from Germanic *bōk-jōn, "beech tree," because ...
some variety of sente some very two some way somebody asks somebody crop this somebody help me somebody may somebody out there somebody spoke and yo somebody tells me somebooys me someday girl i dont k someday ill pay the b someday my tears will someday when we die t someday maybe so...
look up the meaning o look what love gave u look whos here look its the queen look look who it is i look ugly naked guy l lookheres the story looki am serious looki know what i got lookits crazyi know lookits like i told y lookmonim really sorr look-ahead read look-see n loo...
booby,common name for some members of the family Sulidae, large, streamlined sea birds. Tropical and subtropical members of the family are called boobies; those of northern waters are called gannets. These birds have heavy bodies; long, pointed wings; long, wedge-shaped tails; and short, stout...
@davidle82 boo is kind of a hip-hop thing. not an expression I have ever used.
This character ("boo") is written not in Chinese but in theManchu script. "Boo" translates as "building". However, when used in the inscription of Qing dynasty coins the character is a transliteration of the Chinese characterbao(宝) meaning "treasure". ...
The Meaning of Life (1983) Margo Stanley Helen Bradford 3 Crown Court (1972) Kim Marie Gaigo Melanie Bright 3 The Practice (1985) Mark Frame Andrew Kent 3 The Practice (1985) Tony Pitts Youth on motorbike 2 Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) Louis Emerick Garage ...
Boldface type, which has a heavier weight than, meaning it is thicker than, roman type, is employed to provide emphasis but has a prescribed set of uses. This post outlines those uses. In running text—the default wording in a piece of context, as opposed to display copy, which consists...
1.a number of sheets of paper (especiallyprinted) bound together.an exercise book.cuaderno 2.a piece of writing, bound and covered.I've written a book on Shakespeare.libro 3.a record of bets.talonario verb 1.to buy or reserve (a ticket, seatetc) for a playetc.I've booked four sea...