Compatriot Xander Schauffele hit an eagle and four birdies in his round of 67 to sit second with a bogey on the par four sixth meaning he missed out on a tie for the lead. Pat's way to CIMB to the top Hanson's par-three 14th delivered the first triple bogey and he followed it wit...
Badly has another different meaning. If you need or want something badly, you need or want it very much. I want this job so badly. We badly need the money. I am badly in need of advice. For this meaning of badly, don't use the comparative and superlative forms 'worse' and 'worst...
Nothing is really wrong with many of Marxism’s terms. Cultural hegemony can, if applied well, point to something observable in the real world. But academics across the social sciences, unfortunately often including economics, pack Marxian phraseology so tightly that not even vague meaning can be...
BARF [from the "layman" slang, meaning "vomit"] 1. interj. Term of disgust. See BLETCH. 2. v. Choke, as on input. May mean to give an error message. "The function `=' compares two fixnums or two flonums, and barfs on anything else." 3. BARFULOUS, BARFUCIOUS: adj. Said ...
A documentary filmmaker tells the story of John Brinkley, a fake doctor who was shut down due to his ineffective method of curing impotence.
”“Your sinful karma is very deep,” said the Bodhisattva. “If I rescue you, I fear that you will again perpetrate violence, and that will be bad indeed.”“Now I know the meaning of penitence,” said the Great Sage. “So I entreat the Great Compassion to show me the proper path...
“view” on Youtube could actually be a group of people watching the documentary together, meaning that at least 2 million people could have watched Hellstorm by now. If Youtube’s view counts have been altered to reduce the perceived popularity of the film, which happens, the number could...
Searle’s Chinese Room and carrying forward to today, we have noted that intentionality seems to require semantics and so an idea of meaning, but if the things at the lower level have no connection to any kind of meaning or intentionality then can theyreallybe said to be doing that at ...
The meaning of ON THE LOOKOUT FOR is looking or searching for (something or someone). How to use on the lookout for in a sentence.
Halloween has been around for thousands of years. Here's what experts say about the holiday's origin, history and the meaning behind its spooky traditions.