Adj.1.unceasing- continuing forever or indefinitely; "the ageless themes of love and revenge"; "eternal truths"; "life everlasting"; "hell's perpetual fires"; "the unending bliss of heaven" eternal,everlasting,perpetual,unending,ageless,eonian,aeonian ...
blitheness- a feeling of spontaneous good spirits; "his cheerfulness made everyone feel better" cheerfulness happiness- emotions experienced when in a state of well-being buoyancy,perkiness- cheerfulness that bubbles to the surface carefreeness,insouciance,lightheartedness,lightsomeness- the cheerful feeli...
) and Harmonia:] The nine Mousai (Muses) too struck up a lifestirring melody: Polymnia (Polyhymnia) nursingmother of the dance waved her arms, and sketched in the air an image of a soundless voice, speaking with hands and moving eyes in a graphic picture of silence full of meaning."...
(Abraham not having been a Jew, but a"Hanif Muslim"); they are a people highly-favored of God, but are siad to have perverted the meaning of Scripture, and to have called Ezra "the Son of God." They have an intense hatred of all true Muslims; and, as a punishment for their sins...
As the shifting meaning of the term Anglo-Irish literature during the 20th century demonstrates, there is disagreement about how to characterize 18th-century Irish writing in English. There is little disagreement, however, about thedichotomousnature of Irish society at that time. The country was dom...
It’s no coincidence that Mann’s solo debut Whatever—recorded independently with producer Jon Brion after a three-year stand-off with Epic—encapsulated all the shades of meaning derived from the word it was named after. Marrying wry and melancholic narratives that grappled with disappointment ...
The Meaning of the Lotus Sutra's Course of Ease and Bliss 电子书 读后感 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 类似图书 点击查看全场最低价 出版者:Int'l Res. Inst. for Advanced Buddhology 作者:Daniel B. Stevenson
Wondering “what is the meaning of life?” is often at the core of dark and dreary human experiences such as theDark Night of the Soul, identity crisis, andexistential depression. Sometimes, the more we search for answers, the more they evade us, leaving us feeling hopelessly lost and like...
Have you ever sensed that our soul is immortal and never dies? The soul takes flight to the world that is invisible but there arriving she is sure of bliss and forever dwells in paradise. What if the man could see beauty itself, pure, unalloyed, stripped of mortality, and all its pollut...